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can you add exporting the pages to web format?

Do you mean you want to get a "Web site" like from all slides ?

and resize your pictures in the editor section?

There are many reasons why it's better to resize images with graphic program and then use the resized image.


If your show has no special links but only "next" and "previous" then you can use "RestorePTE" utility to create images of all your slides and then put each image on a page. Then add the music as background by adding meta tag using this java script line:

<bgsound src="sounds/music.mid" loop="infinite">

There is also a script for "Time display" for each page but I forgot it so maybe another member will supply it, or you can add the next/previous buttons. I think you can use this neta tag (the 3 is 3 seconds and you can change name of page and time):

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3; URL=page2.htm">

If you want to create pages only with the images used in the show then use "PteImagesManager" utility. This will create a simple page with images one below the other. You can create a page with all inages or only images used as main image or only images used as objects.

I will try to add this feature to one of the utilities so it will make all the work.

I hope this helps to your needs.


Uploaded new version of "RestorePTE".

New feature:

make auto-linked html pages from your slides.

See more details in "Auto-linked html pages from slides" topic.

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