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I wonder if somebody can throw somelight on a problem I have with fully understanding some of the numbers generated in the Music Tab of Project Options.

I am beginning to warm to using this function when building a show with several Tracks and clips. I find it very versatile, in that it enables me to make both sound and image time adjustments all in the same location (within PTE and not jumping between PTE and Audacity). Once I have decided on what portions of a clip I want I can then re-size it, if necessary, in Audacity in order to reduce the audio element of the completed show to a minimum.

The figure I can't understand is the 9:14 for Track 1. I can't figure out how this is arrived at. I have added screen grabs of the details of each of the five clips that are contained within Track 1.








When you add two pieces of music to a track they are played concurrently (one after the other).

If you apply a CROSSFADE then portions of both tracks are played simoultaneously reducing the overall time of the track.

Does that help?

It's a bit like the "Keep Full Slide Duration" situation where you have the same transition in two slides.

If you watch the overall time for a track while making an adjustment in the Audio Clip Properties you'll see the effect of your adjustment in real time.



Hi Dave,

I thought much the same as you but if you total the Durations of all five clips it comes to 9:46.792 (say 9:47). The Crossfade times are 0+0+15+15+6 seconds = 36 seconds. Keep in mind that the total PTE computed time for this Track is 9:14. How does PTE get to that figure?



Yes, I think that's it. Thanks Dave.

However, what it does not do is round up. i.e. my total is 9:46.792 which PTE show as 9:46, I have been expecting 9:47.

Cheers. I now have a better understanding.

Hopefully one day we will get a decent Graphical Interface for this, which should make it all much simpler to use and then perhaps some folks will be encouraged to use it rather than rely on Audition/Audacity.




The Mini Player is the same - it does not show the decimal parts of a second and does not round up.

In all honesty, for what it does, it is simpler to use than Audition, which I've used for many years. However, there's a lot that could added to make it better.


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