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Iv'e been using Pte for the last few years, and really would like to use the flashMe program...Could some one assist me on using this utility? I'm not sure where or how I use my own words or picture...Any help is appreciated....Bill <_<

how I use my own words or picture

You use them when you are creating your SWF (flash) file.

"FlashMe" enable you to integrate your flash with the show

so it will look like is is a part of the show. If you need only

simple effects and don't want to spend much money, used

"Swish version 1.5".


Hi Bill,

Welcome to the forum !

FlashMe does not create Flash animation, it is a player for animation already created.

You need special software to create animation (like Swish or others...).

As Boxig wrote, Swish 1.5 is probably one of the easiest and cheapest.

I suggest you to read attentively instructions included in FlashMe package (run FlashMeReadme.exe).

A configuration tool is also provided to help you step by step in configuring how your animation will be played in your show.

You can also have a look on my demo show "FlashPTE" available for download at Beechbrook Cottage.



I am struggling with adding animated titles to my slide shows at the moment and both Granot and Marco have been absolutely great, giving me all the help and advice I needed. I have just posted to Beechbrook my first attempts at animating my titles. It is not so bad for a beginner! ;) I used a utility written for me by Granot to display the titles full screen and created the .SWf files using SwishMax software. I tried Swish 1.5 but thought it a little to basic for what I wanted to do. I wish you well in your endeavoues and if I can help, please email me.

Ron West

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