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I previously posted a topic on 29th July regarding the ability of PTE to import video clips from my Nikon Coolpix S8000. I received lots of advice from Yachtsman 1, Lin Evans and Boogie but have not yet purchased the software.

I have a few more questions:

1) Can I install PTE on my home computer that runs Windows 7 but is not connected to the internet? If that is possible how would I receive updates; to my yahoo email account?

2) Is there a video converter within PTE that can translate Nikon.mov files. Will the soundtrack be preserved?


Guest Yachtsman1

Hi Ed

I will answer the ones I am sure about. PTE can be bought on a disc if you don't want to download it. Either from the Wnsoft site or Beckham Digital, I & many others use W7, however someone else should be able to answer the Mac possibility.

I believe updates have to be downloaded from the net.

There is a video converter & at present the manufacturers are ensuring compatability as & when systems appear, I believe Nikon MOV has already been covered & preserves the original sound track.




1) Yes. Presumably you have another computer which is connected to the Internet. You can download updates and Beta versions to the Internet Machine and transfer them to the non-Internet machine by memory key to install.

2) Yes and yes.




1) Yes. Presumably you have another computer which is connected to the Internet. You can download updates and Beta versions to the Internet Machine and transfer them to the non-Internet machine by memory key to install.

2) Yes and yes.


Thanks to you both,

I can use the internet either at my workplace or at the local library. I will browse the details regarding purchasing the software on a disc.



You don't have to purchase a disc.

You can download the trial and get that running at home.

You can then purchase the licence (from the library computer?) - it will be sent (almost immediately) to your e-mail account and once again you can transfer it to your computer at home via memory key (or even write it down on paper).

It will not need an internet connection to authorise it.


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