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+ Improved Visual Editor of objects:

* Fixed several bugs;

> Added support for transparent GIF pictures (as objects of slide);

> You can call "Properties" dialog for a some object by double clicking of mouse;

> It's possible to cancel dragging of a object by pressing of <Esc> key;

> To select/deselect several objects, click on an each necessary object holding <Shift> key;

> To select all objects, press Ctrl+A

> And many other helpful improvements.

And maybe "Undo" function will be added for this editor.


All these new improvements look very important and useful. I wish to say support for transparent GIF is the most significant, but all new features can be extremely convenient.


Ahh, Guido. I will have to respectfully disagree with you. The most important update is:

"You can call "Properties" dialog for a some object by double clicking of mouse"

I know you can't see me but I'm dancin' in the streets over this one, from a usability perspective. That and "Ctrl" selection (and possibly an "undo" feature!?!) are a killer combo for me.

I'm happy about the transparent GIF option as well, of course. :-)

Thanks, Igor. Keep 'em coming. I've got a large show I'm working on right now for my son's class at school (several hundred images in several different shows) and I'm hoping to try a 3.9 beta on it. Living on the edge can be fun sometimes...



Forgot to mention these, Igor.

Any chance we'll get slide numbering in the Slide List window?

My other top enhancement for the current interface would be the ability to select and act on (e.g., move by dragging, delete, etc.) multiple slides in the slide list at a time - that would be fantastic!


Ahh, Guido. I will have to respectfully disagree with you.

Ok, ok Dana, probably you're right. Since too much time I don't make a "true" presentation...

All my best wishes of a happy new year!

Any chance we'll get slide numbering in the Slide List window?

I hope that it can be done.

p.s. the Undo feature (for an one previous modification in the Vis. editor) is *exactly* exists.


Thanks for the New Years' present, Igor!! Sure would like to see the ability to change fade and dissolve transition intervals in the same window as the music synchronization functions, though. Will have to check to see if you have added it along with the other improvements. :)

Ciao, and Happy New Year to all!




Many thanks for the transparent GIF support feature. I've been working on a way around this just today and now I see you have fixed it for me! Perhaps I should try to fix something else soon?!?!

Please be sure to take some time off to enjoy life! :)

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