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Menu Page Problems


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create a folder which cintains the menu project and the exe files you are linking to.

create the menu exe in the same folder.

the menu exe will not include the linked objects. they remain seperate.

if you want to move the whole thing to another computer move the folder containing the menu exe and the linked exe files.


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Guest Yachtsman1


Create a folder & add the exe files you want in the menu, then create a new show with a couple of title slides or blank slides to hold your buttons, then use the two screen shots as an example of how to set up your menu show.




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create a folder which cintains the menu project and the exe files you are linking to.

create the menu exe in the same folder.

the menu exe will not include the linked objects. they remain seperate.

if you want to move the whole thing to another computer move the folder containing the menu exe and the linked exe files.


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Maggiemay, just keep in mind for menu's to work correctly eveything must be created with the same version of PTE. Therefore if you update from say 7.02 to 7.03 and create one new slideshow using version 7.03, which you wish to add to your menu, all existing slideshows must have their .exe files re-created using version 7.03 in order that the whole system continues to work together.


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Guest Yachtsman1

Hi Geoff

That is not strictly true. The example shown above has exe files from different versions. The only thing I couldn't do with the above was to have a continuous music track that stopped when one of the exe's started. However I got around that by adding a short track at each end of the show so that the only slide without music was the button slide, which was silent and allowed me to give a verbal introduction to each show. ;)

Regards Eric


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What you say is true if the shows are being triggered off the menu using "Run slideshow...". If they are being triggered by "Run application..." you can mix PTE versions (and, indeed, call any other program). The downside of using "Run application..." is that horrible "desktop flashback" caused by Windows's "Aero" interface and PTE conflicting for dedicated control of the graphics card and its GPU.



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i always use "run slideshow with return" from my menu's when I do slideshow evenings, as the desk top is not visible to the audiance at all, apart from when the computer first boot's. For this system to work everything needs to be created with the same PTE version. I now have around 50 shows, which takes about 30 mins or so to re-create the exe's when a new version comes out. Although it's a bit of a pain, it's only once in a while it has to be done. For me the use of a menu system presents a much better way of running an evening, and also advertises the fact that you have more work available for a return visit.


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Guest Yachtsman1

I assemble my menu on a W7 Professional 64bit machine, then transfer it to an XP Professional SP3 machine for showing. When I connect to the projector, I kill the LT screen. I put the complete show on the D drive of the LT with a shortcut to the desktop. The menu always starts with a black slide. I always allow each exe to end naturally to a black slide, when it finally ends it reverts to the menu page with the exe actuation buttons ready for the next one. The show is set to use the arrow keys to advance each slide. After the last exe, I manually advance to a finish slide, then to a black slide which can stay activated as long as it's needed. Then when the lights come up I advance to the desktop & re-activate the LT screen. No flashes, honest. ;)


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