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Is there any way I can have a large bold text which becomes transparent and then one sees the picture image appearing through the text?


Hi Dave,

If I understand you right, you would like the image to be in the "shape" of the text. That is the text itself would be composed of the parts of the image which could be seen through the text if the text were transparent as if the text had been cut out of a sheet of paper and you were looking through this cut-out from a distance and seeing what was behind the sheet of paper?

If that's correct, the answer is yes. What you do is make your text pure white. Then you want to use the option to "rasterize the text" as a PNG file. Do this even though there will be a message that you no longer need to do this.

Then you take your text file which will be automatically saved as "Text.png" and you use this text as your "mask." That is you right click in Objects and animations and choose "add mask" then you choose "from file". Choose the file "text.png as your mask and put the picture inside the mask between the mask and the mask container.

Then you will see your text letters as if they were written with the picture elements. If you have problems either understanding how to do this or with the instructions, let me know and I'll make a sample file for you to study.

I have made a tutorial on this - here are links for PC and MacIntosh:

http://www.lin-evans...tutorialmac.zip (MacIntosh Version)

http://www.lin-evans...ktutorialpc.zip (Zipped Windows PC Executable Version)

If this isn't what you had in mind, perhaps what you need is text which has been outlined with "stroke" in Photoshop or Pixbuilder, etc. Make the text the same way as in my tutorial, then take it into Photoshop or Pixbuilder and use the "stroke" feature to make an outline. Then open this in Pixbuilder or Photoshop and "erase" the white part so that you see the checkerboard which represents "transparent." Then when you load this text on the layer above your image, you can see the image "through" the text rather than "in" the body of the text.

The bottom line is you "must" have at least a border around the text which is opaque or you wouldn't be able to "know" there was text.

Best regards,


Is there any way I can have a large bold text which becomes transparent and then one sees the picture image appearing through the text?

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