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Hello !

I am not sufficiently proficient in Photoshop to know right away how to make a new mask for PTE. Does anyone know of a tutorial showing how to do it ?



Guest Yachtsman1

Hi Dan

If you check out Lin's website, there are various tutorials on there & I think one of them relates to masks.




Presumably you know how to USE the mask in PTE? .... and you are asking how to MAKE one?

If you look at how a mask is created in PTE itself - a simple circle or rectangle you'll see that the important part is the WHITE bit. This lets the image behind the mask show through.

Therefore a mask made in PS could be as simple as painting a bit of white onto a black background and saving as a JPEG. Also WHITE on transparent saved as a PNG will do the same thing.

A landscape mask to allow a different sky to show through behind a foreground would be white on top and black or transparent below. A white (feathered) rectangle save as PNG will do the same thing because you can make it fit the area of sky in PTE's O&A by adjusting the "grab handles".


  On 12/23/2011 at 10:08 AM, yachtsman1 said:

Hi Dan

If you check out Lin's website, there are various tutorials on there & I think one of them relates to masks.


Thank you. Indeed, there seems to be various examples using homemade masks, but the download links are not functional...



Hi Dan,

All of my tutorial links appear to work fine, but if you visited my site it links you to the tutorials which are referenced and linked here at PTE. I don't have anything specific about "making" masks but that's a very straight-forward process using any image software editor which will allow you to "paint" over an image then create transparency png files.

Here is the location on this forum where you will find everyone's tutorials - it's a sub-category under "Frequently Asked Questions::


Best regards,


  On 12/24/2011 at 2:30 PM, dan masse said:

Thank you. Indeed, there seems to be various examples using homemade masks, but the download links are not functional...


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