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Strange notification

Laszlo K

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Today I was helping a friend of mine but could not figure out were the problem was. He is using V 6.5

When we tried to preview the project we got a pop up saying: When you use "Synchronize music and slides" option you can not use personal playlist of slides.

So I removed the Synchronize music and slide tick and at that point it would start playing but the music would stop after 4-5 slides.

He had two MP3 track on the show one is about 31/2 minutes the other about 11/2 minutes.

I have never come across the -PERSONAL PLAYLIST_ anywhere in the program during my involvement with it. And because of that had no clue were to find solution.

The whole thing would play in the small play window without any problem.

I use 99% of the time wav files because of glitches and compression issues with MP3 so I suggested to mix and export the audio in Audacity as .WAV and try it with that

Any better idea or what and were is the personal playlist?



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Hi Laszlo,

This notification means that you have both music added through the projects options and music inserted on one or more slides via the "customize slide" option. When you have both, there is no way to synchronize the music and slides.

Look at each slide and you will find at least one which has had music or sound added to the slide rather than via the projects options. If you remove this sound it should play normally for you. MP3's play really well with PTE - I would suggest not using the WAV format but rather use MP3's and just to be safe, load them into Audacity and export them out of there for perfect compatibility.

Also, my suggestion would be to use PTE 7.0 because the audio capabilities are much better. If you are trying to do more sophisticated things with sound, you can add as many additional tracks as desired. You can use the "offset" to sequence the audio to start at any time during the show. Just put each selection on a different track and you have complete flexibility with audio.

Go here to read a discussion of the error message you were getting:

Best regards,


Today I was helping a friend of mine but could not figure out were the problem was. He is using V 6.5

When we tried to preview the project we got a pop up saying: When you use "Synchronize music and slides" option you can not use personal playlist of slides.

So I removed the Synchronize music and slide tick and at that point it would start playing but the music would stop after 4-5 slides.

He had two MP3 track on the show one is about 31/2 minutes the other about 11/2 minutes.

I have never come across the -PERSONAL PLAYLIST_ anywhere in the program during my involvement with it. And because of that had no clue were to find solution.

The whole thing would play in the small play window without any problem.

I use 99% of the time wav files because of glitches and compression issues with MP3 so I suggested to mix and export the audio in Audacity as .WAV and try it with that

Any better idea or what and were is the personal playlist?



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Thank you Lin

Actually this happened to my brother in law who lives in Hungary and we just finished translating PTE 6.5 to Hungarian. He was trying to do his first PTE by using the Hungarian version of the manual.

We work by Skype and I have desktop control over his computer since he has MS and sometimes there is some issue with motor control. So I could not figure out being X-mas eve were to look for the problem and he was getting nervous. That is why I posted so I can give him a definite answer tomorrow.

I Really appreciate your reply.

I will be sending the translation to Alana most likely by next week. At this point we are at the 5th reading.

Thanks again and a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


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Hi Lin

Here again.

I have read the dialog you sent on top of your reply it makes sense. The only thing that I had gone thorough the slides one by one in the Customize Slide window and there was no sign of any secondary audio track. The only place there is in Project Option Music Tab's window that I can see audio. I think we will have to rip it apart and rebuild it from scratch with a re saved audio track as you have indicated.

Thanks again for your help


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Guest Yachtsman1

Hi Laszlo

Have you tried using Project Reporter? Copy attached (I hope). One other thing I was told long ago not to use WAV files but to convert them to MP3 in Audacity, which I have always done, usually without problems. Mono WAV files such as sound effects sometimes get rejected or don't play correctly in Audacity.


Reporter v2.zip

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Hi Laszlo

Have you tried using Project Reporter? Copy attached (I hope). One other thing I was told long ago not to use WAV files but to convert them to MP3 in Audacity, which I have always done, usually without problems. Mono WAV files such as sound effects sometimes get rejected or don't play correctly in Audacity.


Hi Yahtsman

No I haven't heard of the Project Reporter, but will try it just for the heck of it.

My brother in law used 2 MP3 files with this project back to back. As I have noticed in my previous post we just finished the translation of the manual and the audio treatment is still fresh in my head. Since I work on this remotely (6000 Miles)it takes a bit longer to solve it.

I have been working with PTE since V 4 came out and using WAV files almost all the time. I even convert MP3 to WAV. You will ask why? Well MP3 is like JPEG at medium compression. Each time you save it it leaves sort of "unnecessary" data out. At the end you can end up with screeching or clipping and since it is digital there is no way to filter it. I'm sure you convert JPEG's to TIFF to retain their values and prevent farther deterioration for archiving.

Yes I might put an MP3 on the time line to cut size volume but that would be the final export of the mix that has been done in WAV.

I use besides Audacity Reaper and Cubase for audio editing so I'm not dependent on it solely.

Thanks for your reply.


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you can save yourself a lot of time when troubleshooting when using the various things Nobeefstu has developed for the forum members


as a long time member am surprised also you have not seen the problems that have occurred with wav files over the years -- guess you have been one of the few that not seen problems



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Hi Yachtsman,

I did not down load your "Project reporter" in the past, because it said it was compatible thru v5.6. I am using v6.5 for my projects.

I have downloaded it today, but when I click on the "help" tab, a screen comes up with the notice "Navigation to webpage canceled" therefore I never can

get to the help screen of your Project Reporter 2" program.

Any idea what I can do to get the help screen of "Project Reporter 2"



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Any idea what I can do to get the help screen of "Project Reporter 2"

The Help.chm file can fail to operate depending on how you have extracted the program files from the zip package ... as all of this is part of MS file security.

Just right-click the Help.chm file and select Properties ... then just click where it says to Unblock the file. The Help file should then operate properly. (Or, just Unblock the zip package before file extraction.)

* Being Project Reporter v2 was last released in Jan 2009 ... it will not be fully compatible to properly read all segments/functions of newer PTE project files.

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If you use Audacity to prepare your soundtrack mixes, do a File...Save Project As. It creates a xxx.aup file and a folder xxx_data. The xxx.aup file is a bit like the PTE xxx.pte file. It contains the basic instructions. The xxx_data folder contains all your sound file data, held in its most detailed form. To do more work on the soundtrack, simply double-click the aup file to launch it into Audacity. You are working at high quality all the time. The "lower quality" kicks in only when you do the final File...Export... and select MP3 and its associated options. You can open the aup project file as many times as you need, do a File...Save... at the end of each edit session, and you are not degrading the sound quality each time.



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If you use Audacity to prepare your soundtrack mixes, do a File...Save Project As. It creates a xxx.aup file and a folder xxx_data. The xxx.aup file is a bit like the PTE xxx.pte file. It contains the basic instructions. The xxx_data folder contains all your sound file data, held in its most detailed form. To do more work on the soundtrack, simply double-click the aup file to launch it into Audacity. You are working at high quality all the time. The "lower quality" kicks in only when you do the final File...Export... and select MP3 and its associated options. You can open the aup project file as many times as you need, do a File...Save... at the end of each edit session, and you are not degrading the sound quality each time.



Hi Peter

Yeah that I know but when the clipping is audible as a high pitch noise than there is no way to filter it out.

We had a save as .AUP but it would not reopen the project (we are using the BETA version on an XP pro machine)So at this point we are uninstalling Audacity and reload it again and then we will see.

On the original problem the Project reporter scan would indicate a missing image file and missing audio at certain points. While on the timeline it was present the image so as the audio and it would play in the small play window. Also in the Project Option Music Tab it was present.

It is still odd.


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The Help.chm file can fail to operate depending on how you have extracted the program files from the zip package ... as all of this is part of MS file security.

Just right-click the Help.chm file and select Properties ... then just click where it says to Unblock the file. The Help file should then operate properly. (Or, just Unblock the zip package before file extraction.)

* Being Project Reporter v2 was last released in Jan 2009 ... it will not be fully compatible to properly read all segments/functions of newer PTE project files.


That Worked



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Guest Yachtsman1

Hi Yachtsman,

I did not down load your "Project reporter" in the past, because it said it was compatible thru v5.6. I am using v6.5 for my projects.

I have downloaded it today, but when I click on the "help" tab, a screen comes up with the notice "Navigation to webpage canceled" therefore I never can

get to the help screen of your Project Reporter 2" program.

Any idea what I can do to get the help screen of "Project Reporter 2"



Hi I use 6.04, it works for me ;)


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Hi All.

Thanks for all the help I got from you all, but I owe you the explanation of the problem after I learned it myself.

For trouble shooting purposes I combined the two original audio track into one and saved it as MP3

Than I made copy of all the slides and pasted them into a new project hoping that I will drop all audio in the process.

Which I did.

Added the new track and guess what? The same darned message.

Next was to go thorough all the slides one by one and check them in the Customize Slide window and looking for audio.

Negative. No Audio anywhere.

Got back to the beginning and than on the 6th slide I found the box "Play New Background Music File" was TICKED IN.

So PTE would see the tick and the fact that there was no music track was irrelevant and just dropped the original audio at that point.

You can find this box on V 6.5 which is used by my brother in law but on V 7.0 that I use there is no music tab on the Customize Slide Window.

Hope this will help others with the same dilemma.


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