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Slide list


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Hi There

May I ask some help please.I have been using PTE some time but never come up with this problem before I am using a purchased template and I have over written with my photos and to cut it short my photos are not showing in the slides list at the bottom of the screen but every where else is ok .Saves plays.If I move the controll along manually in the mini player fine its just the slide list no photos just blank spaces I am using version 7.03 with 32bit XP.Thanks


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First thoughts - the images are introduced as objects in Objects and Animation.

You must have one or more slides in the slide panel?

Click on the first slide - click on the Objects and Animations buttonb - and move the little blue arrow at the bottom to see what happens.

You will have objects on the right hand side in the Objects Panel.

Click on each of these in turn to see the related Keyframes.

It would help if you could post a screen shot showing what you are seeing?


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