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animated gif


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Hi Moritz,

There are a couple "solutions" I can think of which you might explore. One is "outside" PTE and the other inside PTE.

First outside. Use a freeware such as Beneton Movie GIF to easily modify the animated GIF so it will loop forever.

Inside PTE. Enter your animated gif file twice with the identical position and size. Set a keyframe for the first one at the instant when it quits then immediately after another keyframe. Make the first keyframe opacity 100 and the second opacity zero. For the second animated gif, set keyframes at identical positions with the first set to zero opacity and the second set to opacity 100 percent. Set an offset on the second animated gif to begin at the exact instant the first one quits.

The "interval" is how quickly your animated gif action is. For example, on the Santa and Reindeer animation you used you could "speed up" or slow down he Reindeer leg motion by changing the interval. The "lower" the number of interval, the "faster" the action. The interval describes the "delay" between frames on your animated gif.

The "Offset" is in thousandths of a second. To give a one second delay in beginning the animation you would enter 1000 here. To delay five seconds, enter 5000, etc.

The number of "repeats" you already understand.

Rows and columns have no practical use for most. they adjust much in the way as a "mask" might.

Put your Santa and Reindeer gif on a blank screen, vary the "count" between 2 and 3. You will see what it does.

Best regards,


I think I'm confused with Project -> Customize windows.... (there, the animated gif do no work properly)

Anybody could explain me what do each one of these options?

With this options, all work Ok.

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