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Thanks for all the topics which helped make my first DVD using P2E. One topic spoke about cropping images to 85%, which is great so my photo's are not to the edge. When I made my first DVD, I found that 85% was perfect to my DVD TV Player at home. It actually becomes almost full screen. However, the "Comment" doesn't show up on my TV? When I play it in my 17" Powerbook computer, the comment is just fine...

So I looked in P2E and cannot find an adjustment for moving the "Comment" down. It's only choice it top or bottom or right or left, but no tweak or way to move it down.... Any way around that? I chose DVD in the AVI option box and then import using MovieFactory 2. Or maybe I should be choosing a different option in MovieFactory?? Any help or ideas would be appreciated...

It takes about 2 hours to make the DVD. which is way to long, but it looks awesome on the TV. I was so surprised to how sharp every thing looks... Great Job P2E!!!



If you click on the page icon at the far right of the Comment Box, you can move the text down as you would with normal word editing.

If you go to Customise Slide>Comments>Position there are a number of choices.

Ron [uK]



Thanks for your reply...

I didn't know that I could do that, but I have 70 different pictures in this one movie.

I'd like to be able to do this somewhere only one time, not 70 times...

The other options that you refer move it to the left or right or top or bottom, but don't give me the option of moving it down 4 spaces on every comment..

Thanks for your fix for now. I would like to be able to make an easier fix for later, unless you have a different way...





FYI I tried the idea of moving down each comment line. If you move it down 4 lines, it will show up 4 lines in P2E, but when you make the AVI file and then preview in MovieFactory 2 it only moves it down 2 lines. So you have to do it double to get it to work how you want to view it.

It would be easier to have a tweak button or something else to make it easier to move for all comments....



Another FYI

I've been using the comments on Top... when you try to move it down by Pixels it won't do anything from the top.

If you add comments from the bottom, you can use the move it by ?? pixels and it works. So you don't have to edit every comment. Just add text on bottom and then I cropped 85%. Next I made Line adjustment by 75 pixels and it moved all my comment lines up. Another thing I noticed is that what you see iin P2E is not the same as when it creates the AVI file for a DVD. So you have to experiment to move the text up.

The whole reason I'm doing this is so my text and pictures will show up on my TV DVD. It crops in a little bit, so you loose picture edges and text. But the way I've done this scales it down so it will all show up on the TV screen...


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