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I have recently taken the plunge and am in the process of changing from PC's to Macs. I bought my first about 12 months ago a MacBook Pro and recently an iMac. On both of these I have installed VMWare Fusion and PTE, although use on the MacBook has been very light.

I was in the middle of developing a sequence on my PC when my speakers packed in so I transferred it on to the iMac. No problem until I started to run my sequence from the timeline or Preview buttons. The sequence just stuttered along, now I know this sequence is very heavy on O&A but I had no problems with the PC with 12GB, i7 Processor, 1GB graphics card. The iMac has 16GB, i7 processor and 2GB graphics card. I found within Fusion there is Virtual Machine - Settings - Processors & Memory in which I have set Processor to 8 and Memory to 8GB, the maximum it will allow but I still get stuttering in a slightly different way. If I make an alteration to my sequence and then position the arrow in time line and play then it stutters and does this several times until eventually it runs smoothly.

Is there anything I am missing that I can do to change this situation

Tony Falla

Guest Yachtsman1

Don't know anything about Macs, however, something I picked up from another forum may help? Are you sure the programme is running from the graphics card, or the graphics on the mother board? :unsure: I know gaming PC's can switch.



Thanks for the replies, I looked at your link Tom but as I am new to Macs currently I am a bit reluctant to start altering files but it only increases the graphics memory size to a maximum of 256K. Looking at the problem in detail I think it may be just due to the numbers of O&A's I have on some slides, I see that in the main PTE there is a similar discussion going on so I will look at what is being said there.

Again thanks for the help

Tony :)


Sorry Tom forgot to say I am using Fusion 4, currently I am trying using only 4 processors and 8GB of memory and I think that is the same if not slightly better than using 8 processors

Tony :)

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