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Hello All

I'm new to the forum having just purchased PTE 7 and Roxio Creator 12. I have a lot to learn about both programmes but so far so good. However I'm a bit confused as to which video codec to use when creating an AVI video file which would be compatible with Roxio. I have searched the forum and from a very old post from 2006 I found this:

'The one which you should use is Microsoft MPEG 4. If you don't have this one listed, then you should download and install the free ACE Mega CodecS Pro pack here:'

When I create an AVI file I have the following video codec options available within PTE:

DVIX 6.9 YV12 decoder

Microsoft RLE

Intel IYUV

Cinepac by Radius

PTE video codec.

DVI 6.9 2 [Logical CPU's

Full frame Decompressed

My question is really, are the above codecs ok, which one should I be using, and if I need alternatives where can I get them. Many thanks.

Kind regards.




I use PTE and Roxio and I find that the best way (when making a DVD) is to use the DVD-Video Disc option.

On the last page of the process deselect everything except "Create ISO IMage".

When the ISO is complete - double click on it and the correct module in ROXIO will open to burn it to DVD.

If your intention is not to burn a DVD please come back with more detail?




if I want to create an custom AVI file I use the

DivX 6.9.2 Codec (x Logical CPUs) [x = the number of CPU cores you have in your PC]

After clicking the 'Configure...' button in the 'Video Compression' window

you can setup the DivX codec profile you want.

DivX 6.9.2 YV12 Decoder cannot be used.

As Audio compression setting I use 'No compression (PCM)'.



Thanks Dave and Be Ta for the help and swift reply, I've done as you suggested Dave and it worked a treat. Roxio was a bit of an impulse buy, so could I ask how else it can be used with PTE.



PS. Like your Avatar Dave. Les Paul ?

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