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Hello PicturesToExe-Fans,

I want to create a slide-show which shall be live moderated. The slide-show has background music all the time.

My goal is, that the slide-show moderator can pause the whole slide-show so that the current picture stay at the screen and the

background music plays continuously. The reason is, to prevent a gap of music while the moderator comments a determine picture.

Thanks in advance,


p.s. You know the voice comment feature, but I would like to do it "live" :) .


Hi Andi,

On the Project Options - Main Tab - uncheck "Synchronize music and slides" On Advanced Settings check "Show Navigation Bar." Next, add your background music via the Music Tab. On the "Control Tab" check "Permit Control of Show Using Keyboard". You music will continue to play regardless of whether the slideshow is stopped or advancing. You can then "pause and resume" the show via the keyboard space bar, back up a slide with the left arrow key and go forward with the right arrow key. Or, you can use the pause and resume and slider on the Navigation Bar. If you set the Navigation to other than the default, you may then use those features as well. It's not "essential" than you have the Navigation Bar, just an option. All controls "can" be done via the keyboard.

Best regards,



Hallo Lin,

thank you for your support. Unfortunately your tips don't work for audio

tracks which are inserted by the upper right button on the start screen

(see the upper right red rectangular on my attached picture.)

My actual intention was to assign each picture a certain music track and

when I press pause the music should plays continuously. I reach this with

another approach. I make a double click for every picture (see red rectangular at lower left)

and than a new window opens. Now I can set for each picture a audio track

and it works in this way I want it.


When I assign a audio track for example to picture 33 and press the pause button

the picture 33 stay visible and the music plays continuously.

Now comes the disadvantage: When I want to resume the slide-show the audio track

begins again and the slide-show goes to the next picture. No continuously playback.

Lin can you check this situation and report me your result.





Assigning music to each slide cannot produce a continuous result. I would recommend to follow Lin's approach.



PS: Du kannst auch eine Diskussion in der deutschen Sektion des Forums führen ( in deutscher Sprache :) )

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