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The attached screen grabs show what I believe is a bug in PTE's handling of its Borders feature. Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce it. It seems to have arisen because of the sequence of steps that I have followed to get to here.

The image is the 53rd in a sequence that I am building and was originally 3008x2000 pixels in size. It was cropped in Photoshop Elements to 1624x1080 and saved as a JPEG file. I took that into PTE and zoomed it to 90%, applied a drop shadow, and added a border of 1 pixel of white.

As I developed the sequence I decided that this image and others related to it would work together better if presented in "letter-box" style. I therefore took the original image back into Photoshop and cropped it to the desired shape and size and saved it, over-writing the JPEG image that I was using. PTE had remained open with the project loaded whilst I did this. I then went back to the PTE window and took the 52nd image into O&A and repositioned it then advanced (with the arrow buttons) to the 53rd image, which now showed in its letter-box format. I decided I wanted a 2 pixel border instead of just the one pixel border.

The two screenshots are the O&A window before I changed the border value and the same window immediately after keying the value 2 into the border size field. As can be seen, the image has changed shape and crop! It should not have done either. I have changed other images from 1624x1080 to a letter-box style and these, also, exhibit this strange, and wrong, behaviour if I now try and change their borders. This behaviour persists across a stop-start of PTE.

I can circumvent the problem by deleting the offending slide and dragging a fresh copy of the image from the File List into the Slide List; and then resizing, repositioning, adding drop shadow and border. That's a bit of a pain but at least I can continue the build of the sequence. I have preserved a copy of the PTE project file in case Igor needs it for diagnosis purposes.



post-4886-0-17578600-1331466278_thumb.jp post-4886-0-27416000-1331466292_thumb.jp


Hello Peter,

Thanks for reporting about this problem!

Regrettably I can't reproduce it without step by step instruction.

P.S. In version 7.5 we rewrote some parts of code related with this function.



As I stated, I cannot recreate it either. What I can do is send the PTE project file that gives the error for you and the team to inspect, to see if you spot anything unusual (see attached file). The problem slide is slide number 59. I have included the image for this slide in the zip. All the other slides will give error conditions of "Image not found". Hopefully this will exhibit the problem for you.

Hmm. There isn't an attached file because I wasn't allowed to upload a zip file to the forum ("Error You aren't permitted to upload this kind of file"). Is this a new restriction?

I've placed a copy in Dropbox. It should be available here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15623351/Skelton%20MkII%20v4-PTEBug.zip



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