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Setting Slide Size Twice

Guest Yachtsman1

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Guest Yachtsman1

I've been converting my better shows to 16-9 from 5-4 in version 7.04 now in 7.05, one aspect puzzles me when setting up for a new show, In the Project Options "Main" tab, I set the aspect ratio to 16-9, then when I go to the Project Options "Screen" tab I have to re-set the size of the size of the slide from 1280x720 to 1920x1080. I suppose there must be a good reason for this???

Yachtsman1. :unsure:



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The situation is not really new. I version 6, the entries for aspect ratio and for the screen size are placed both in the screen tab. In version 7, one is in the main tab, the other one in the screen tab. In my opinion, it has not been a good decision to make this change.



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I have always had the same question as to what this setting actually does. Also, my 7.05 says, 'Virtual Size of File'. Maybe your screen shot is from an earlier version?

Anyway, I set my Aspect Ratio to 16:9 and just ignore the 'Virtual Size of File' and leave it at the default setting. It seems that the 16:9 is a ratio of 1.77 and the 1280x720 is also 1.77. If I monkey around with the size of file setting which gives a different ratio, I can get black bars. So I ignore it, leave it at the default setting, and all seems to be OK. Maybe someone can explain why and when we would change the default 'size of file' setting when using 16:9 aspect ratio.


I've been converting my better shows to 16-9 from 5-4 in version 7.04 now in 7.05, one aspect puzzles me when setting up for a new show, In the Project Options "Main" tab, I set the aspect ratio to 16-9, then when I go to the Project Options "Screen" tab I have to re-set the size of the size of the slide from 1280x720 to 1920x1080. I suppose there must be a good reason for this???Yachtsman1. :unsure:
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Hi Gary,

You can't set the "aspect ratio" to 1920x1080 that's a pixel dimension. You set the aspect ratio to 16:9 which is the aspect ratio of either 1280x720 pixels or 1920x1080 pixels.

Best regards,


I have always had the same question as to what this setting actually does. Also, my 7.05 says, 'Virtual Size of File'. Maybe your screen shot is from an earlier version?

Anyway, I set my Aspect Ratio to 1920x1080 and just ignore the 'Virtual Size of File' and leave it at the default setting. It seems that the 1920x1080 is a ratio of 1.77 and the 1280x720 is also 1.77. If I monkey around with the setting which gives a different ratio, I can get black bars. So I ignore it, leave it at the default setting, and all seems to be OK. Maybe someone can explain why and when we would change the default setting when using 1920x1080.


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Hi Gary,

You can't set the "aspect ratio" to 1920x1080 that's a pixel dimension. You set the aspect ratio to 16:9 which is the aspect ratio of either 1280x720 pixels or 1920x1080 pixels.

Best regards,



Yes....I was replying too quickly. I do realize that. My boo boo. I was thinking of the ratio...still 1.77.

I just corrected the posting. Hope I got it right this time.:)


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Hi Gary,

You could express it that way (1:.77) but the convention is to use 16:9 and since we can't display less than a single pixel on a display device, we use whole numbers. The answer to Eric's original question is that his topic was setting "slide size twice" when, in actuality, he is only setting the slide size once and the aspect ratio once.

I suspect what would have been a better way to phrase it would be to ask why, if we set an aspect ratio do we need to enter the slide size at all. I think the answer to that implied question is that we have the ability within PTE to control the size in pixels we want the display to be regardless of the capability of the display device. Of course we can't display a 1920 x 1080 pixel display on an 800x600 monitor, but we can be certain that if a 1920 x 1080 display resolution device is being used that our slides are taking full advantage of that capability, hence the option to choose between popular display sizes (1280 x 720 or 1920 x 1080).

Best regards,



Yes....I was replying too quickly. I do realize that. My boo boo. I was thinking of the ratio...still 1.77.


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Hi Gary,

You could express it that way (1:.77) but the convention is to use 16:9 and since we can't display less than a single pixel on a display device, we use whole numbers. The answer to Eric's original question is that his topic was setting "slide size twice" when, in actuality, he is only setting the slide size once and the aspect ratio once.

I suspect what would have been a better way to phrase it would be to ask why, if we set an aspect ratio do we need to enter the slide size at all. I think the answer to that implied question is that we have the ability within PTE to control the size in pixels we want the display to be regardless of the capability of the display device. Of course we can't display a 1920 x 1080 pixel display on an 800x600 monitor, but we can be certain that if a 1920 x 1080 display resolution device is being used that our slides are taking full advantage of that capability, hence the option to choose between popular display sizes (1280 x 720 or 1920 x 1080).

Best regards,




What you say makes sense. However, if I understand your posting, I would expect my shows not to show full screen. As I mentioned, I use the 16:9 Aspect Ratio and leave the Virtual Size of Slide at default of 1280x720. So why does my show not 'shrink' to the 1280x720 setting when I view it on my wide screen monitor or my 40" TV? I have read through the PTE Guide and it does not really help (me) in understanding this function.


Added later: I do see now that the 'Virtual Size of Slide' changes to 'Size of Slide' when I check the 'Fixed Size of Slide' and the show reduces in size when accepting the default setting. Interesting. Never fiddled with this setting.

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...when I check the 'Fixed Size of Slide' ...


This option exists to protect small images from being visually degraded by having interpolation applied to make them fit a larger display device. With this option ticked, your images will never get "upsized on the fly" to fit a larger display device. So, taking your original settings, if you tick this option and your images were built to a "Virtual size of slide" of 1280x720, they would not then fill your 1920x1080 monitor. Note also that, in this case, your original 1920x1080 images would, I think, always be downsized on the fly to shrink them to 1280x720.


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