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Time display in tumbnails


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I just migrated from EXE 6.5 to 7.0. In the slide list and the lightbox, I see now al these AB times and also the duration times in the thumbnails of the slides. I looked al over EXE, to get those time indicators removed, but could not find it.

Please tell me how to do that.



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Hi Bert,

The "AB" is the effect duration. By clicking on the tiny AB box, the customize slide window will pop up and let you change the value. By clicking on the number in the lower right, you can highlight and quickly change the display time for that slide. The only "option" you have is whether or not to display the caption and that is changed via the "View" - show captions in slide list check box.

If your thumbnails are too small, you will only see these values and need to drag the window larger to make room for the full sized thumbnail.

Best regards,


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Hi Bert,

I don't think that they can be removed and they serve a very useful purpose. They can be altered there (if required) rather than have to go into Customise Slide.

Why would you (personally) want to remove them? (Curious).

Everyone has their own way of working but I don't remember anyone wanting to remove them before.


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Hi Dave and Lin,

I like to remove them because when I have a lot of images in the slide list, the thumbnails are very small and the AB and time display takes up 1/3 of the image. I could not find a way to enlarge the thumbnails in the slide list. Maybe if you can point me to that, the time display will not take up so much of the image.

Thanks to you and Lin for the quick answers.



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Hi Bert,

Just place the mouse cursor along the top line of the thumbnail area and move it up and down until it changes to arrows. Hold down the left mouse button and drag upward and the thumbnails will get progressively larger.

Best regards,


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