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Have you ever considered building a house? To do so, we need timbers and siding and roofing, and perhaps bricks, etc. Can this be done with PTE. Actually it can. If you've looked at Jean Cyprien's amazing show about the little bell (Choupinette de retour de Romea), he has built a very nice and attractive wooden bell-house structure to house the bells.

So my purpose for this tutorial is not to actually "build" a house - that would take too long. But what I would like to do is show you how you can easily use my cube template to construct wooden timbers, planks or sheets of wood, to use for construction material. Though the tutorial deals with "wood" timbers, sheets, planks, etc., you could just as easily build a "brick" wall, a chimney (just use the right shaped mask) or many different shaped three dimensional objects via the basic concept and masks.

Here's a link to the new tutorial - I hope some of you have time to look at it and enjoy the ease of manipulation of the cube template to do many more things.




Hi Lin,

I have just seen your tutorial. Interesting, of course, as usual.

However, I am not sure that somebody who is not able to make a wooden log by himself will then be able to build his house by assembling such logs. It's far more complicated.

Two years ago (already!) with the release of the v6, I had made a tutorial in French to build a small house.

Who helped themselves about it ?

Was this too complicated ?

It was seen more than 2000 times, but less than five people said that it had been useful to them.

Under these conditions I never had courage to translate it into English. Days have only 24 hours ! (But it is said that it is never too late do the right thing ?)

Here it is, for what it is worth. In French. Sorry !

By the way, Lin, what software do you use to copy your screen in video ? Thanks in advance.



Hi Jean,

Of course, you are absolutely correct. In my little tutorial, I begin by addressing the fact that "actually" building a house is much more complex than creating the components or "material" to build it with. But of course it (building a house with PTE) could be a very interesting learning process for one's advancement in learning to manipulate objects in PTE. The "title" of my tutorial (Building a House With PicturesToExe) was rather "tongue in cheek" or perhaps the title C'est une remarque un petit peu taquine.

Your tutorial in French is very complete, but as you say, few probably found it helpful only because "most users" of PTE are using it to display their photographs rather than as a 3D animation tool.

I use a little screen capture tool called Screen Recorder Gold http://www.capture-screen.com/ to make my tutorials. It's rather simple and doesn't have lots of flexibility, but I usually don't do more than talk and use the mouse cursor, so serves fairly well for the purpose.

Best regards,



Hi Tom,

Actually, unless you wanted to actually "go into" the house via a door, the easy way would just be to create the door and windows with masking. If you were following the little fun that David and Jean and I were having with "bending" text. David created a very nice circling text and titled it Le Monde. I then provided "Le Monde" or more precisely, the Earth rotating for the text to circle. This was a small video captured from Celestia of the rotating Earth. Of course with a video and without yet the ability of PTE to handle the alpha channel transparency via green screen, the only way to avoid the dark "rectangle" surrounding the Earth was to place the spinning globe inside a little circular mask easily done inside PTE. The the mask under a controlling frame to dynamically change the size to accommodate Davids dynamic text size change. I think doors and windows could easily be done in the same manner without getting too fancy with framing around them when constructing a simple cabin. Of course if one wanted them to be "functional" then it would necessarily be done differently.

Best regards,



Lin : "most users" of PTE are using it to display their photographs rather than as a 3D animation tool.

You're absolutly right, Lin, and for those who want to make 3D animation, other softwares are certainly much better. But not - I think - with all our dear pictures, as PTE can do it.

What is interesting with PTE is the fact that you are quickly able to do nice things without a long and tiring learning and practice.

I'll try Screen Recorder. Thank You Lin.

Best regards



Hi Jean,

Yes, that's exactly how I feel about PTE. It's a means of creating some amazing animations without having to go through the process necessary with 3D construction software including wire frames, skinning and other very labor and time intensive processes with a rather steep learning curve. Of course with the requisite skills in the dedicated 3D programs, many amazing things can be done, but then these programs do not allow the ease of presentation and the ability to also easily incorporate stills, videos, masking and other features of PTE.

PTE is rather unique in this and I think the popularity will grow not only with photographers and AV enthusiasts, but in the future I see animators taking advantage of these unusual features.

Best regards,


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