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Setting position of fixed-size frameless slideshow EXE


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I am evaluating PTE7 to meet some short terms slideshow requirements I have for a demo. The requirement I have is to show the slideshow frameless in the top half of a large monitor running in portrait mode (with other interactive content on the lower half.)

My publish target is a fixed-size, frameless EXE slideshow. I cannot find any documented way to reposition its display window (for example, command line parameters and/or creation/output project parameters.)

The EXE slideshows created by PTE seem to be very stubborn about trying to either center themselves on the display, or fill the entire display, when launched. If I attempt to force a location on the TWnForm output window class, the EXE quickly snaps its position back to where it thinks it "should" be (vs. where I want it to be and told it to be.)

Is there any in PTE to accomplish what I need?

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The nearest to your target solution is to have the EXE playing in Windowed mode with a Title Bar and the usual Min,Max,Close buttons. You can set the size of this window in PTE and can then drag and drop it anywhere you want on your desktop. I don't know for sure, but I suspect PTE may try and retain focus in this window. You'll have to check that out.

Project Options...Screen and Slide...Mode...Windowed Mode. If you tick "Without border" you cannot then relocate the window by dragging.

The alternative would be to build the entire presentation in PTE and have your particular sequence run as a Video stream in a Picture-in-Picture object. But that is way more complicated to set up - and your other material may not lend itself to inclusion in a PTE sequence.


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Most third party tools such as Autoit that have window functions should work as long as you are not moving a Full Screen Mode slideshow. Autoit will work with PTE v7.04 in Window Mode with No Border ... but also requires WinWaitActive command before executing the WinMove command. See attachment.


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My publish target is a fixed-size, frameless EXE slideshow. I cannot find any documented way to reposition its display window (for example, command line parameters and/or creation/output project parameters.)

PTE does not offer command line options to resize or move its window display

The EXE slideshows created by PTE seem to be very stubborn about trying to either center themselves on the display, or fill the entire display, when launched. If I attempt to force a location on the TWnForm output window class, the EXE quickly snaps its position back to where it thinks it "should" be (vs. where I want it to be and told it to be.)

Are you also trying to resize and move the window ? Test by just trying to move the window position without any resizing of the PTE window.

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Thanks for the feedback guys... It turns out the PTE display window only dislikes external "size" requests (even if the request is the same as its current display size and would result in no change) but "move" requests are fine.

I am not using AutoIT but something similar (in WIN32, this means adding the SWP_NOSIZE flag to a SetWindowPos() request.) Now as long as I create the PTE as a fixed size windows mode, I can now move the window to the (0,0) position at the top of the monitor.

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