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Menu Problem 2 Same Menu different problem (Solved.).

Guest Yachtsman1

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Guest Yachtsman1

As previous post, I have constructed a menu for an Audacity demo, the menu starts with a PTE generated black slide, then the title picture slide. This problem existed when NBS put me right on the previous non problem, I click the button to open the main Audacity screen, the screen opens with the usual warning, when I've completed the demo, the Audacity screen is locked until I press the top right cross, which brings up the menu page as expected, to move to the next slide I usually use the R/H arrow key, this doesn't work & I have to use the R/H mouse button, this doesn't happen on previous conventional menus using slides, only on this one which opens the Audacity screen, is this a bug??? :unsure:




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Guest Yachtsman1

Do you have "Project Options...Control...Permit control of show using keyboard" ticked?

Hi Peter

If you check the first screen shot you will see it is ticked.

Regards Eric


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It appears to me that possibly the PTE slideshow has lost its focus. If you click the slideshow anywhere on the menu page ... does/will the R/H arrow keys function properly ?

What is the enabled/disabled state of the checkbox Pause when slideshow window becomes inactive within Project Options | More tab ? Reverse the current setting and test again. See attacement for location.


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Guest Yachtsman1

Hi Nobeefstu

First I tried clicking the button slide with the box ticked & the R/H arrow key operated, then I unticked the box & repeated the action, same result, the arrow key operates, so ticking or un-ticking has no effect. One other thing I have tried is to close the Audacity page within the menue by clicking file - close sequence, this action just brings the audacity page back up, no matter how many times I do it, the only way to progress back the button page is the red cross.

Regards Eric


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Having re-read your original post, I think I understand what you are wanting to achieve. You are running a demonstration evening that starts with a PTE sequence and from this sequence you then use a button to launch Audacity and do a demo using Audacity. At the end of the Audacity demo you want to return to the PTE sequence and advance to the next slide in it. Right?

One question of clarification: are you running the PTE sequence as a Published executable or under PTE Preview? It may not be significant but the answer will tell me how close you to doing exactly what I do.

Assuming you are running it as a native executable then, from my experience of doing this kind of build, at the point where you want to return to the PTE sequence you have two options:

- close the Audacity window completely

- leave the Audacity window open and use the Windows Task Bar to switch between Audacity and PTE windows

If you do not have a Task Bar visible, does using the Windows key on the keyboard bring it up?

My normal mode of operation in these demonstrations is to close the external application completely but the other option also works for me.



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Guest Yachtsman1


Having re-read your original post, I think I understand what you are wanting to achieve. You are running a demonstration evening that starts with a PTE sequence and from this sequence you then use a button to launch Audacity and do a demo using Audacity. At the end of the Audacity demo you want to return to the PTE sequence and advance to the next slide in it. Right?

Hi Peter The menu consists of 2 black slides, 3 copies of a picture slide, one with 1 menu button labelled Audacity, which links via PTE to the Audacity icon in the folder.

One question of clarification: are you running the PTE sequence as a Published executable or under PTE Preview? It may not be significant but the answer will tell me how close you to doing exactly what I do.

I have tried it using Preview & from an Exe file, results are the same.

Assuming you are running it as a native executable then, from my experience of doing this kind of build, at the point where you want to return to the PTE sequence you have two options:

- close the Audacity window completely

- leave the Audacity window open and use the Windows Task Bar to switch between Audacity and PTE windows

I have tried both, same results the button slide sticks until I either click the slide then use the arrow key, or use the R/H mouse key.

If you do not have a Task Bar visible, does using the Windows key on the keyboard bring it up?

I always have the task bar hidden, but when the Audacity screen is activated, I can hover the mouse over the bottom of the screen to bring it up.

My normal mode of operation in these demonstrations is to close the external application completely but the other option also works for me.

The only way to advance from the Audacity button slide is to either left click the slide then use the arrow key, or use the R/H mouse key



Regards Eric


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I have looked over and tested your PTE file. The slideshow functions correctly with keyboard or mouse control once the Audacity window is is closed or no longer active.

Assuming you are running it as a native executable then, from my experience of doing this kind of build, at the point where you want to return to the PTE sequence you have two options:

- close the Audacity window completely

- leave the Audacity window open and use the Windows Task Bar to switch between Audacity and PTE windows

I have tried both, same results the button slide sticks until I either click the slide then use the arrow key, or use the R/H mouse key.

The keyboard or mouse control will not be focused on the PTE menu and cannot control it operation until the Audacity window is closed or you bring focus back to PTE menu by clicking its window first before using the keyboard or mouse control.

Are you wanting/trying to control PTE menu operation while Audacity window is in focus/active ? If the Audacity window is in focus/active the keyboard and mouse controls are going to function the Audacity window and not the PTE window .

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Guest Yachtsman1


I have looked over and tested your PTE file. The slideshow functions correctly with keyboard or mouse control once the Audacity window is is closed or no longer active.

The keyboard or mouse control will not be focused on the PTE menu and cannot control it operation until the Audacity window is closed or you bring focus back to PTE menu by clicking its window first before using the keyboard or mouse control.

Are you wanting/trying to control PTE menu operation while Audacity window is in focus/active ? If the Audacity window is in focus/active the keyboard and mouse controls are going to function the Audacity window and not the PTE window .

Hi Nobeefstu

I think you are contradicting youself there, your first para' says the show runs normally, 2nd para you says "until the Audacity window is closed or or you bring focus back to PTE menu by clicking its window before using the keyboard or mouse control". In last nights post I confirmed your suggestion of clicking the button slide allowed the return of the arrow function, also clicking the R/H mouse key advances the button slide to the next slide. If this is a PTE anomoly I will have to do the show using the mouse, not the arrow keys.

Regards Eric

Yachtsman1. :(

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There is a difference between the way you have set everything up and the way I do it. You have programmed the button to "Run Application..." and given it the full path to Audacity's executable (i.e. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Audacity\Audacity.exe"). My technique is to set up an Audacity Project (the .aup file plus the _data folder) and have these two items in the same folder as the PTE executable. I then program the button to "Run Application..." and give it Demo.aup as the target. I've just checked the sequence I have built for the NE AV Group (a demo of Audacity to be given later this year) and that allows me to use the arrow keys to go backwards or forwards upon return from Audacity to the PTE sequence.

Your technique has the disadvantage of not being portable to a computer other than your own unless the Audacity code exists exactly in the same place on both systems. My technique allows that portability and doesn't depend upon the whereabouts of the actual Audacity code.



P.S. If you try my way and it still doesn't work for you, I'd then suspect it is a consequence of your having hidden the Task Bar. I don't do that; I leave it visible when in a normal Windows application.

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Guest Yachtsman1

Hi Peter

I've changed the file path directly to the Audacity screen with the tracks of the project, which is located in the menu project folder, from the Audacity start up icon used previously, no difference. I've now locked the task bar in the show position, still the same. The only way to progress from the PTE button slide is the R/H mouse key, or to click the picture which then unlocks the arrow key.

Regards Eric.

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It worked on my Win7 Home Premium SP1 64-bit, using PTE v7.0.3 and Audacity v2.0.0. So, different OS and different bug-fix level of PTE. Your system is 64-bit, same as mine, I believe? Unless something has regressed between PTE 7.0.3 and 7.0.5, it looks like your problem is probably OS-related. Or, just possibly hardware-specific. Stupid question: it's not a "Num Lock"/"Caps Lock" issue is it?

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Guest Yachtsman1

The plot thickens :blink:

This morning I transferred the menu folder via a memory stick to my laptop, same OS. When I loaded it onto the HD & tested it, the arrow key worked normally as expected, no right click on the mouse or the button slide. :blink:

However, there's always an however, when I click on the Audacity Demonstration button, I get the dreaded desktop flash back, which I've never had on the desktop or the 4 previous multi show menus installed on the laptop??? :blink:


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Desktop flashback can be unpredictable among various OS/video drivers/monitors. You can try to disable Use Hardware Acceleration in the Project Options | Screen tab to see if the desktop flashback is omitted or its effect is visibly lessened.

* The swiching of 3d acceleration drivers (PTE) to 2D drivers (Audcity) can sometimes promote the desktop flashback on some systems

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Guest Yachtsman1

Thanks Nobeefstu, I've just packed the LT away for the day, need to get back to other PTE work, I will give it a try tomorrow & report back.

Regards Eric


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Guest Yachtsman1

Hi Nobeefstu

Opened the show from the C drive on the new LT, unticked the hardware acceleration box in project options, bingo no desktop flash back & the back arrow works after closing the Audacity screen. :P

However, (there's always an however), being a belt & braces man & needing back-up, I decided to add the demo to my failing Samsung LT, (which I've now found wasn't failing, only the power supply brick, £29 for a replacement has brought new life to it). After adding the demo show, I realised I needed the current PTE & Audacity on the machine also, after struggling finding the correct version of Lame for Audacity, I tested the menu, the button wouldn't operate, so after re-authorising it to the transferred show, everything works as it should, all I need now is to think of something to say at the demo :unsure:

Thanks to Peter & Nobeefstu.

Regards Eric


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unticked the hardware acceleration box in project options, bingo no desktop flash back

You happen to be one of the lucky ones with your particular equipment. Sometimes users have to go a step further to try and resolve the issue.

A Step Further for some other Users:

Some users (with hardware acceleration disabled) also may need to make their slideshow menu using the Window Mode- No Border option (not Full Screen). Size the window to match your monitor/screen dimentions. The slideshow playback will appear to look full screen even though its a window. (The slideshow window will not appear as full screen on different users monitors/screens sizes.) Even this procedure is not 100% guaranteed for all the various equipment users may have.

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