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il s'agit d'une maquette d'un compte à rebours qui comporte une image par seconde

pour une durée totale de 6 minutes. Sur l'album envoyé il y a seulement la moitié du test.

l'horloge est fait par une sucession de vignettes png,...il est prevu de rajouter des sequences jpg qui viendront

s'intercaler sur l'horloge

Le probleme: la lecture de l'horloge en png se passe bien, en revanche lors de l'introduction des jpg, PTE travaille au ralentit

et l'image se bloque au bout de quelques secondes

voici le lien pour télécharger l'album (via we tranfert)



Hi Ricardo,

Perhaps the trouble is due to a bad filename (with a " , " inside : 14, rue.png). Try to change the names of your pictures.


Le problème provient peut-être d'un mauvais nom de fichier (avec une virgule : 14, rue.png). Essaie de changer le nom des images.



Finally, I think there is some trouble with PTE itself.

With my first computer under WINDOWS XP there is no problem at all.

But with my second computer under WINDOWS 7, the AV stops doing anything (not only with me : always when we are seeing 5:48 ), and PteViewer5.exe closes. (even with filenames without "," )

Probably a bug of PTE ?


Thanks, I reproduced this problem under Windows 7.

However I think that this show is "heavy" for realtime playback.

I checked several first slides - each slide contains 18..24 large images at 1920x1080! It is a serious challenge for the video card, memory and CPU.

One 1920x1080 image takes 8.2 MB in system memory + same size for video memory + copy in system memory again for video card. 24 images x 8.2 MB x 2 = 384 MB for one slide. PicturesToExe keeps in memory 3 slides. So the program simply can't decode and load all images in time.

I recommend optimize images. For example background images have soft blurred picture. I reduced it to 800x531 and then back to 1920x1275 and I almost don't see any difference, because the original image doesn't contain fine details. You can try reduce these images.

And probably it possible divide animation to more slide that will greatly reduce video card loading.

Under Windows 7 PicturesToExe shares a video card with a graphical user interface (Aero) which also uses DirectX 3D mode. Thus we have less available resources than under Windows XP.

P.S. On our side, we will try optimize memory usage in PicturesToExe in future versions. Next version 7.5 is a first step in this direction.


I confirm that the problem is solved (on Win7) by reducing by half the size of the 198 digital clock pictures, and this doesn't really affect the final output quality of these images. As Igor said, it is also possible to reduce the size of the 18 background slides. Having tried that, the test slideshow runs perfectly.


Nous avons modifié la maquette en tenant compte de certaines réflexions.

Cela est encourageant mais il persiste des saccades sur le bloc jpg.

Suivant les conseils d’Igor nous reprenons ce WE les images de fond et les png

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