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Error message - disable personilised music


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I am new to using pictures 2 exe - and have being using the timeline to synchronise slides to music. However, when I try to preview presentation I get the error message'You must disable personalised music of slides to activate synchronisation. I have not been able to figure out how to do this - can anyone help?

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Welcome to PTE, I am sure you will find it a great software. As with any software there are a few things that one needs to get sorted out and then all falls into place.

I have not seen the message you received, but it sounds to me as though you have not put your music under the tab on the PROJECT OPTIONS which makes it the background music. (But you must have as you say you have been using the TIMELINE to synch.

Maybe you have you have assigned music to the first image via the sound line at the bottom of the MAIN screen and/or on the MUSIC tab of CUSTOMIZE IMAGE. This might be interefering with the synchronization set up on the TIMELINE.

However I am confused as to how, if you are using the timeline to synch, and previewing it using the timeline that it would not work when using the PREVIEW button on the MAIN page.

SOrry if my answer is not cyrstal clear, but without a little more info that is all I can say. I know thereare other forum users who will likely have a better clearer reply then this.

But if you could let us know where your music is "loaded" that might help us to help you.

You might also want to downlaod and look at Alrobin's PTE tutorial as it might help you work through PTE initally. You can download it from here I belive it is on page two.

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Hi, Ngwb,


As Jim says, if you are using background music, it has to be added via the "Project Options" / "Music" tab. Also make sure you have un-checked "Play new background music" in "Customize slide".

You can still add customized music on the "Sound" line on the main window, as it is not considered to be "background" music, and can over-play the music in the background when that slide is activated.

Hope this helps. :)

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