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Adjust Video and Border


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I just started using the "Adjust Video and Border" tool and it seems to be giving me different results with different images...actually with videos.

I am making a show that has several videos and I make them smaller than the background image. I decided to put the same sized border around each video in each slide. I chose the '2' width setting. However, I notice that the actual width of the borders seems to be a little different on many of the videos. Some are slightly thicker and some slightly thinner that the others with the same '2' width. In fact, when I put in a width of '2' in one of the videos, it did not show any border and I had to up it to '4' to get a small border to come close to the other borders that I had used a '2' setting.

So I am wondering if the width setting for 'Adjust Video and Border' is a relative setting or is it supposed to be an absolute setting. If it it a relative setting, what is the width based on? Or if it is supposed to be an absolute setting, why am I seeing different widths?

Thanks... Gary

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Hi Gary,

The "border" size is actually designated by "pixel" dimensions. I'm not certain why you would see a different size unless your video was "near" the edge of the screen area or if the color was so close to the color of you video that they blend. The border width is absolute but surrounds the image or video and the "position" is based on that. You can change independently change the width or height of the video, and thereby what is actually "displayed" by altering the Canvas size, but the actual "border" should, as far as I know, conform to the outer periphery of your video's dimensions. I would wait until Igor returns and send him a sample to see if there may be a bug of some sort or whether it might have to do with something relative to a particular video.

Best regards,


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Hi Gary,

The "border" size is actually designated by "pixel" dimensions. I'm not certain why you would see a different size unless your video was "near" the edge of the screen area or if the color was so close to the color of you video that they blend. The border width is absolute but surrounds the image or video and the "position" is based on that. You can change independently change the width or height of the video, and thereby what is actually "displayed" by altering the Canvas size, but the actual "border" should, as far as I know, conform to the outer periphery of your video's dimensions. I would wait until Igor returns and send him a sample to see if there may be a bug of some sort or whether it might have to do with something relative to a particular video.

Best regards,



Lin and Xaver,

All of the videos came from the same camera. They are pretty much the same size within the background image. I just uploaded the show to Beechbrook (Phuket's Night Market) that has these videos with the borders. If you can take a look at it, you might see what I am talking about. To me, there seems to be slight variations in the white borders around the different videos. I didn't make any changes to their Canvas size.


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