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Image opacity through introduced slides


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On one landscape slide, I want to zoom in three verticals in sequence to a central position from zero opacity up to 100%, then after 5 seconds down to zero to disappear. In O&A box all is OK and runs well. When I run the AV full screen the background slide is still visible through the introduced slides. I have spent hours trying to sort this and have re-checked opacities several times, but no success yet. Can anyone advise me how to clear this problem please.

(NOW SOLVED - see later)

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For that period when the introduced images are at less than 100% opacity, the background will always be somewhat visible. Is this the problem that you are describing? If not, could you try and explain more precisely what you are seeing. A screen grab would probably help.

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For that period when the introduced images are at less than 100% opacity, the background will always be somewhat visible. Is this the problem that you are describing? If not, could you try and explain more precisely what you are seeing. A screen grab would probably help.

Thanks for your quick reply. I appreciate that the images will be less than 100% while coming in and zooming up to full screen. The problem is when the introduced images are fully open, during their 5 second full appearance, that is when their opacity is not 100%. Whilst they are zooming out and minimizing, again that is working correctly with opacity decreasing to zero. Will try a screen grab, not sure on how.


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Have just been trying to get a screen grab. Each time I've tried a comment on the new file in Photoshop says 'Author of this slide show does not permit copying etc'. I have unclicked the 'don't allow copying by print screen' in the project options box, but I stilll keep getting that reply. So, regrettably at the moment I can't send a screen grab.


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Because I cannot see your system, I'm trying to visualize what you have done and what is happening. You have one particular slide in your sequence on which you have added three image objects. Each of these added objects starts out at 0% opacity and at a small zoom size. Each one is then zoomed to a larger size whilst also increasing its opacity to 100%. These added images are all placed centrally on the main image and therefore each one overlays the previous one. Is that right? You simply hide each added image with the next added image? Or do you return each added image to 0% opacity before starting the animation of the next added image? Do you zoom each added image back down in size?

For debugging purposes I would suggest that you copy this slide three times and set the four copies up as follows: slide 1 - delete all the added images, slide 2 - retain just one added image and delete the other two, slide 3 - retain two images, slide 4 - the slide in its present form. On which of the four slides does the problem appear? Not the first, obviously - but does that appear EXACTLY as you want it to? Does slide 2 show the problem? If so, we need to resolve the problem with just the one added image before trying to add a second and third image. What I am trying to do is solve the problem with your technique or your understanding in the simplest case, before over-complicating the scenario with extra images.



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What is the "background" slide? Is it just the black screen of the display or have you placed a jpg, etc., image as your background? If you are using a photo as the background, you will need to set the opacity of the background slide to zero by keyframe also to prevent it from being visible as you change the opacity of other slides.

I believe the reason your problem has not yet been solved, is that it's not actually clear "precisely" what you are doing. If you could clearly articulate the situation, I'm certain that we can very quickly solve the issue for you.

Best regards,


On one landscape slide, I want to zoom in three verticals in sequence to a central position from zero opacity up to 100%, then after 5 seconds down to zero to disappear. In O&A box all is OK and runs well. When I run the AV full screen the background slide is still visible through the introduced slides. I have spent hours trying to sort this and have re-checked opacities several times, but no success yet. Can anyone advise me how to clear this problem please.

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Or just click on "File" "Create Backup in Zip". This will zip up your entire project with all necessary files. Post this using "MediaFire" or other service and we can take a look and see how to correct your problem.

Best regards,




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Thank you all for your help and comments, but I've got it sorted. I've been trying all sorts of things over the last few days which is why I haven't replied, and at last got the answer.

The image I'd been having problems with was No 4 in a sequence and it was open for 17 seconds. What I had done was set the fade in from No 3 so that it ran into No 4 for most of that time. Consequently, the child images were coming in before the parent was fully open. As soon as I shortened that 3 to 4 fade to a few seconds, hey presto, all was fine. I now have now my AV as intended. Thanks again.

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