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Hi Keith,

If you mean a pointer which is somehow actuated by external voice command, no - that's not possible. If you mean an animated "arrow" or such which is synchronized with an audio track at a specific time, yes. That's very easy to do.

If you could be specific about exactly what you want to accomplish, we can show you how to do it.

Best regards,



Hi Keith,

If you mean a pointer which is somehow actuated by external voice command, no - that's not possible. If you mean an animated "arrow" or such which is synchronized with an audio track at a specific time, yes. That's very easy to do.

If you could be specific about exactly what you want to accomplish, we can show you how to do it.

Best regards,


Hi Lin,

What I would like to do is to have a pointer on the screen which draws attention to a feature (eg a stream in a landscape)while my commentary is running and then move on to a different feature at the appropriate moment. Preferably as though I were moving the mouse pointer.




Hi Keith,

Yes, that's very straight-forward to do. Give me about 10 minutes and I'll create and upload an example...

Here ya go...

http://www.lin-evans...nterexample.zip (zipped example)

http://www.lin-evans...rexamplepte.zip (zipped pte project)

O.K., this was done using the simple "text" character "E" in the "Wingdings 3" font. Just type the alphabet in lower and upper case to see the wide variety of arrows and other symbols available. No need to create your own PNG unless you just want to.

The "text" arrow was originally white, but I chose "red" as the "font" color. The opacity is turned on and off by the keyframes using the "Animations" tab in the Objects and Animations screen. I just used the "sound comments" to quickly add the sound based on the timings for the flashing "arrow" and moved the arrow to the three sample places. Infinite variations are easily accomplished. Hope this is the type thing you are looking for...

Best regards,


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