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I can't remember anymore: I think it's possible to use a PNG file in order that black (or white) solid color outside main subject is transparent.

Without using masks, I think.

Is that so?





Copy the image into a layer in Photoshop (better not into the background layer). Select the outside part, and delete or cut the selection. Then save this layer as PNG. In this case the PNG file should include the desired alpha channel which defines the outside part as transparent.




Hi Jose,

The easiest way, I think, is to open Photoshop then open the file which you want transparency in. Get the file size by click on "Image" "Image size" then do a "select All" then "Edit, Copy" to copy it to the clipboard. Next close the file. Now click on "File" "New" and set the background content to "transparent" and the size to the identical dimensions of the file you have saved to the clipboard. Next click on "Edit" then "Paste" and you will then have your file which you want areas of to be made transparent "pasted" over a transparent background. Next use the eraser tool or selection tools to select and delete or "erase" the foreground image part you don't want. This will leave a "checkerboard" appearance which will be transparent when saved as a PNG file. The areas of the file which do not have the "checkerboard" appearance will be normally visible and the areas of the file which have the "checkerboard" appearance will be transparent revealing whatever lies on the layer beneath in PTE.

Best regards,



Xaver and Lin,

Thanks very much to both of you.

In fact, I do not work with PTE and other softwares for more than a year and I am somewhat "frozen"...

I remember that a lot of time ago I could create transparent PNG files, but I spent 1 full day and night trying and no results.

I do not work with Photoshop!

I am using ArcSoft PhotoStudio 6.0, and I didn't remember anymore that here alpha channel can not be copy/paste.

I think that I used Photoshop Elements Trial for this purpose. Trial is gone...

Now I got it:

GIMP 2.8 (100% free!) was the solution. Great software! May be equivalent to Photoshop. Better than mine.

It allows copy/paste alpha channel, it even allows "feathering selection edges" which is most convenient.

Thanks again.



Hi Jose,

You could also use the very good and free Wnsoft product Pixbuilder Studio which works just like Photoshop for this...

Best regards,


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