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music skipping still..


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I've put together a slide show and it looks and sounds great, however the music skips a few times. Very minor skips but I'd like to know what I can do to get rid of them.

The file is an mp3 and I reduced the bitrate to 92, so it's a small sound file.

Thanks :)

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Welcome to PTE. Your issue has come up before and has several possible causes.

If you are running the show from a CD, the communication between the CD and the CPU might not be fast enough. (I suspect you are running it from the C drive so this is likely not the issue.)

It could be your image sizes are taking up too many CPU resources. Images should be maximum 200kb plus or minus. As a general rule use 800x600 if fading faster than 2 seconds, or 1024x764 if fading slower. Use quality 5 jpgs.

It could be some transitions are too close to each other. The CPU needs a little space to breath between image transitions. I try to use half a second if I am squeezing images together, but I can sometimes get away with even less time.

Hope that helps. Others will come along with further suggestions

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Hi, Peggy,

What version of PTE are you using? Some improvements have been made in recent beta versions to the PTE music player which might solve your problem if you are using an earlier version.

Also, does the music play back OK in Windows Media Player or other software which you normally use on your computer?

Also, as Jim says, conflicts in displaying the images can also affect the sound, so it would be a good idea to try it out in a very simple slide show, allowing lots of time between transitions, to see if it plays back without problems.

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