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Problem with opening files in left side window.


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:( Help! I have been using PTE for several years, but recently I have noticed a problem with opening folders (to access images) in the left window pane. The right mouse button will not work, and there is no other command to 'open' the folder to gain access to the images therein. Has anyone a suggestion. Either post here or email directly to: bill@bastas.com

This problem occurs on two our of three computers in our business.


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Hi Blastoff:

I have not had thay problem, but from time to time PTE will stop displaying the images as you scroll down the files.

This was discussed several weeks ago.

The solution to that, and maybe your problem, is to close PTE and open it again. The odd time, I re-boot the computer.

If we could nail down when this happens regularly, we would let Igor know and he would fix it.

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