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Good Morning,

I am new to PTE, after playing with the trial versions of PTE and another well known slide show program I purchased PTE because of it's versatility. I have much to learn.

My question is this: I want to take a black and white slide and have it morph (not sure of the proper terminology) into color or do it the other way around using a set fade in sequence. Would I do this in masking, using the B&W version and the color version?

I hope this is where this question belongs as I searched the FAQ's and How to's and was not able to find anything. I am relatively new to slide show software with as much power as PTE and hope you will not tire of any future questions.

Thank You,



As a start, let us consider a simple, but rather typical situation: The B&W-version of your image may have the same pixel dimension as the original colored image. Let us furthermore assume that the images and the screen have the same aspect ratio. The you may insert your images into two consecutive slides. For the second slide you may define an appropriate transition effect (Customize Slide > Effects). Start with a simple fade in/out, but try other effects and effect durations, as well.





The simplest way is to resize a colour image to your chosen size then save it as a jpeg image. Then convert this image to black & white and resave it as a b&w jpeg image.

Now just add the colour image to the slide list in your PTE Project and then add the B/W image immediately after the colour image then use the Project Options to fade one image into the other.




Wow! Thank you for your speedy replies. I will try all of the different ways just to see what happens to what and how it affects the images. Thanks.

Although I am new to slide shows of PTE's caliber, I am not new to photography and post processing so this will be a new adventure for me.

Again, thank you for your speedy replies




Let's say that your project has 100 slides each of which is going to fade from B+W through Sepia to Colour and that each image is of the order of 1Mb.

Doing it via PS (your way) the overall Project File Size (EXE) is going to be of the order of 300Mb.

Doing it by using the "Ctrl+Shift+P" option (if you find the conversions acceptable) means that the Project File Size (EXE) is just of the order of 100Mb.

Worth considering?




Your "Toggle Ctrl+Shift+P on an image in O+A" fix is magic, what a time / space saver that is, Thanks You !


Let's say that your project has 100 slides each of which is going to fade from B+W through Sepia to Colour and that each image is of the order of 1Mb.

Doing it via PS (your way) the overall Project File Size (EXE) is going to be of the order of 300Mb.

Doing it by using the "Ctrl+Shift+P" option (if you find the conversions acceptable) means that the Project File Size (EXE) is just of the order of 100Mb.

Worth considering?


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