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I am posting as a new account "Moosewood" because my account of many years has apparently disappeared. I have been here since virtually "day one" and have been Moderator status for years. I have always been LumenLux in the PTE Forums. Can someone bring back my LumenLux account, or at least figure out what may have happened? :o


Hi Robert,

This is one for Igor to look into. A search of LumenLux reveals your new "Moosewood" handle as well as "Guest - LumenLux." This same situation I see with at least one other person "theDom" as well. Something isn't right. All posts are apparently still there, but the handle "Guest" precedes your log-in name. We'll get Igor's attention on this and get it fixed ASAP...

Best regards,


I am posting as a new account "Moosewood" because my account of many years has apparently disappeared. I have been here since virtually "day one" and have been Moderator status for years. I have always been LumenLux in the PTE Forums. Can someone bring back my LumenLux account, or at least figure out what may have happened? :o


Problem with Forum Templates ??

Yes I also have problems with my Forum-Account ~ in particular:-


In "Fast-Reply Template" there are no utilities on top...No Bold select....No Underline select....No Italic select....No Font nor Color select.


The same applied to the "Full-Editor Template"....No Bold select....No Underline select....No Italic select....No Font nor Color select..


Attachments....The Editor-Templates will not accept Gif nor JPeg Images ~ about the only thing it accepts are Zipped-PDF's


Lin ~ Yes I had noticed the absence of "LumenLux" and the "Dom" ~ I'm just beginning to wonder whats happening to my Account

as I have no problems with my account on a Marine-Forum ??

Brian Kelly.


Zipped-Image of my Template below.



Hello Robert,

Sorry, it was my fault. I sorted a list of moderators and I mistakenly deleted your account.

I just recovered your account. Please see PM message for 'Moosewood'.

Same problem with theDom account. I also recovered it.

The only problem with date of registration. I can't restore it. I'll try again later.


Dave G and Peter,

Guys ~ Just to say many thanks for "checking" the Forum-Full-Editor-Template for me ~ problem "Solved" and I found the culprit

and this might interest others who are using "Microsoft Security Essentials"....


There have been many attacks recently on "MS Security Essentials" and in my experience over the past 2 years it has never given

an "In Your Face Notice" of a Malicious-attack ~ it is designed to silently quarintine these things.


If you encounter such a 'Malicious Attack Notice' purporting to come from Microsoft-Essentials ~ It is a "Fake" purely designed to

lock your Browsers 'Search-Page' to force you into agreeing to a "Fake Viruus Scan" whereafter it will tell you that you have some

Root-Kits ~ Trojans - and other doomsday stuff (all lies) ~ but then it asks for $150 (dollars) to fix these "Terminal-bugs".....


On receipt of your Money & Credit-Card details it "unlocks" a dependency File located in your Registry in your Browser system.

Nice-One if you can get away with it....

Remedy:- Dont touch this "Thing" ~ simply go down to the (bottom-screen) "Task-Bar" now RH-Click it and select Task-Manager.

When it opens select the "Applications-Tab" then select the "Running-Application" then select "End-Task" ~ now close it.

Now get off the Internet and run Microsoft-Essentials "Quick-Scan" ~ chances are it wont show anything because it was blocked.

The fact that you (inadvertently) opened the Malicious-Page yourself circumvented Security-Essentials and hey presto your hooked.

Dont worry ~ simply disconnect the Internet and run Security-Essentials having terminated the "Thing" in Task-Manager.

Have a good day ~ and again Guys many thanks for the Tests.




Hello Robert,

Sorry, it was my fault. I sorted a list of moderators and I mistakenly deleted your account.

I just recovered your account. Please see PM message for 'Moosewood'.

Same problem with theDom account. I also recovered it.

The only problem with date of registration. I can't restore it. I'll try again later.

Thanks Igor (and Lin, and others) I am back now as my normal LumenLux. Only now the stats show that I have made about 1660 post per day (my entire history, now allocated to my reset membership of 1 day) :D

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