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Family Memories by JRR


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Hello, Jim!

Yesterday I saw your show. It was really great.

Thank you for the enjoy the show.

It is one of the first historical show in the history of slide shows,

I think. I have never seen before something like this.

You know, the shows with nice dogs, cats and flowers is beautiful,

but historical show it is those work, on which we should spent the

time. So far as it is the human memory. It is our memory.

So, may be you open the door in the world of the historicals slide show.

May be you make a new way...

It is new, and it is very interesting. Thank you


You choose very good background and borders. The montage is

very correct. The photos was selected very well. The soundtrack

quality is perfect too.

So technical this is perfect too!

Oleg :blink:

And little comment from my daughter:

(she is a manager of TV-station)

Hello, Jim.

My name is Natasha, Oleg's daughter.

My father ask me to see your show like something very special.

I saw it. It was really great and really special!

I have never seen before the show, which was make with so big love,

style and elegant. I see you make a big work.

I would like to say that it look like a very good professional reporting or

a documentary film.

You are a journalist? :-)

I think you should to try. ;-)

Thank you one more time.

Wish you more good shows such this.

Good luck!


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Oleg, Carol and Natasha:

Thank you for your comments !! The cheque ($$$) is in the mail ;)

I can thank Carol for inspiring me with the frames and Oleg for my "daring" to show more than one image on a screen. This is the first show in which I did not use my own images.

The "Family Memories" show is the first follow up to my recently completed Family Tree AV show that I put together in PTE with 106 interlinked shows (using OBJECTS).

I did not want to scare Bill and try to load the 211mb show to Beechbrook - if he thinks he bandwidth problems now.... ;):lol:

Natsha - Thanks for suggesting that I should be a journalist. But I don't have time, I am too busy trying to learn from your Dad's (and Mum's) great work.

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