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Tra le mille cose che l'informatica ha di brutto, che qui non è il caso di narrare, di certo applicato alla fotografia ha reso le cose più sincretiche. Si pensa con lo sguardo si scatta e l'immagine a monitor, poi, consente di accorciare in modo drastico la filiera che una volta era l'era dell'argento, fatto del rito della camera oscura. E tutto si concentra sul lato creativo, mai abbastanza di questi tempi troppo e troppo veloci, in una maniera impensabile in era analogica. E qui PTE è semplicemente impareggiabile. Un'idea, pure approssimativa di quello che si vuole, poi, caricate le slides e, a volte, con musica, ecco che l'idea prende forma. Certo non proprio subito, ma dopo qualche progetto ecco che l'idea abbozzata all'inizio incomincia a prendere forma, così molto agevolmente. Peccato che i programmatori si ostinano ancora a non prevedere la stampa, come story borad, del progetto. A volte lontano dal computer, e con lo story board in mano, si può continuare a lavorare senza l'incombenza di stare seduti davanti al computer.

Posted Today, 06:35 amAmong the many things it has nasty, don't tell, certainly applied to photography made things more syncretic. You think with the shooting and the image on the monitor, then, allows to shorten drastically the supply chain that was once the era of silver, made of the rite of the darkroom. And everything focuses on the creative side, get enough of these times too much and too fast, in a manner unthinkable in the analog era. And here is simply incomparable. PTE An idea, well approximate what you want, then uploaded the slides and, sometimes, with music, that's the idea takes shape. Of course not immediately, but after some project the sketched idea at first began to take shape, so very smoothly. Pity that programmers are bent again to not make the press, as story project, borad. Sometimes away from your computer, and the story board in hand, you can continue working without the job of sitting in front of your computer


Da Campos,

Benvenuti a questo forum. Si prega di notare che questo forum utilizza l'inglese come lingua comune.

"Welcome to this forum. Please make note that this forum uses English as its common language."

Google Translate of Da Campos initial post:

Among the many things that the computer was bad, that here there is no need to tell, certainly applies to photography has made ​​things more syncretic. He thinks with his eyes and you shoot the image on the monitor, then, can dramatically shorten the chain that once was the era of silver, that the rite of the darkroom. It all focuses on the creative side, get enough of these days too much too fast, in a way unthinkable in was analog. And here PTE is simply unparalleled. An idea, even approximate what you want, then upload the slides and, at times, with music, that's the idea takes shape. Certainly not just yet, but after a project here that the idea sketched at the beginning begins to take shape, so very easily. Too bad that programmers still insist not to provide for printing, as a story borad of the project. Sometimes away from the computer, and the story board in hand, you can continue working without the task of sitting at your computer.


Thanks for courtesy, but this is an error was caused when I wrote my comment (in italian) " What customers say about PicturesToExe" in other post.

Sorry for inconvenient

B y Michele

Ps. Translate machine Google not make sense

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