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Please, help.

I never could work with this feature: Add Mask to a Mask Container (in O&A).

I think that this feature is to include a masked object "A" inside another masked object "B", in order that object "A" is never bigger than object "B".

What should be the correct order/sequence of both masks and both objects?



Do a little test with a one slide project.

Add the Mask Container as a child object of the main image. Choose either the Circle or Rectangle predefined mask image to be put in the container. Now add a second real image as a child of the Mask Container. This will appear in the Object List between the Mask Container and the Mask image (the black and white Circle or Rectangle)

Now play with the zoom, pan and rotate fields for each of the objects in turn: the main image, the Mask Container, the Mask itself and the Masked image.

In this way you will find out what happens to the overall image and you will start to get some ideas as to possible creative uses.




Inside a mask container you have two classes of objects: image objects having the standard layer structure including parent-child-constructions, and there are masks (at least one mask). For sake of simplicity, let us assume that all masks are B/W images. There is no correspondence between single masks and single image objects. The masks control the transparency of the overall composition of all image objects. For each pixel of the screen the degree of transparency is defined by the grey value of the masks at this pixel (255 means opaque, 0 means totally transparent, 128 means semi-transparent). In cases where several masks cover a particular pixel (intersecting masks), the maximum grey value of these mask seems to be chosen.




Do a little test with a one slide project.

Add the Mask Container as a child object of the main image. Choose either the Circle or Rectangle predefined mask image to be put in the container. Now add a second real image as a child of the Mask Container. This will appear in the Object List between the Mask Container and the Mask image (the black and white Circle or Rectangle)

Now play with the zoom, pan and rotate fields for each of the objects in turn: the main image, the Mask Container, the Mask itself and the Masked image.

In this way you will find out what happens to the overall image and you will start to get some ideas as to possible creative uses.



Thanks Peter (and Xaver for the theory of masking, which I think I understood).

Concerning Peter's sugestion, I made your little test and everything worked, no surprise.

Problem is that your test is about one masked object inside one main image, ok?

My situation, as told before, is to include one masked object inside another masked object.

Furthermore, your test does not use the mentioned "Add mask" function.

So, what I must learn is how to use such "Add mask" function which only shows as a child of a Mask Container.

However, in this meantime, trying and trying, I succeeded to have what I want, despite I used several Mask Containers, but NOT childs of each other, so, NOT using the "Add Mask" function.

I would ask what is this function for?





PTE v7.0 does not allow a Mask Container within another Mask Container. The "Add Mask" icon on the O&A toolbar adds the Mask Container and prompts you to add the mask image (the B&W image). Have you found some other "Add Mask" feature?



So, what I must learn is how to use such "Add mask" function which only shows as a child of a Mask Container.

However, in this meantime, trying and trying, I succeeded to have what I want, despite I used several Mask Containers, but NOT childs of each other, so, NOT using the "Add Mask" function.

I would ask what is this function for?


The function "Add Mask ..." in the Properties Tab of a Mask Container is to be used in order to insert a second, third, ... mask object into the same mask container. In the attached screen shot you see a mask container with two overlapping circular masks.





Hi Peter,

PTE 7.x doesn't allow nested Mask Containers, but you may have multiple "Masks" within a single Mask Container, which I "think" is what Jose's question is about....

Best regards,



PTE v7.0 does not allow a Mask Container within another Mask Container. The "Add Mask" icon on the O&A toolbar adds the Mask Container and prompts you to add the mask image (the B&W image). Have you found some other "Add Mask" feature?


Thanks to Lin, Xaver and Peter for all your help.

That's what I suspected: PTE doesn't allow nested mask containers! I just wondered what was that "add mask" for, but Xaver's snapshot cleared everything.

Best regards,


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