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Migrating to a new hard drive


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Just wanted to say how impressed (and relieved) I am at the way PicturesToExe handled my hard drive migration. I was concerned that all of the image and audio references would be broken after installing the new Operating System/PTE software. To my surprise and amazement I installed the new PTE 7.0.7, loaded one of my old slideshows, and everything worked! Bear in mind the following:

I had maintained the exact same file structure for all of the source media (e.g. files, folders, images and sound clips)

yet consider also...

That all data had been migrated to a different partition, on an entirely new Solid State Drive, with a different drive letter. So how did the program know to look to the new drive letter? This I don't know, but am sure glad it did. Was it by design? A lucky accident? Don't know. But either way, I'm extremely relieved that I won't be having to rebuild those shows or bother with fixing them. So, hats off and a huge thanks to the development team.

Note: The only thing (so far) that seems not to have carried over is the images used for a given project are no longer bolded in the file tree. A minor thing but thought it worth a mention.

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Note: The only thing (so far) that seems not to have carried over is the images used for a given project are no longer bolded in the file tree. A minor thing but thought it worth a mention.

Obviously I cannot readily reproduce the steps that got you there but I think you will find that you need to save the project and re-open it to get the file names emboldened.



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Slideshows have been saved under the new installation/new version (they were created in 7.0.5). Computer restarted. Reopened slideshow and the file names are still not emboldened. You can add new slides and those are emboldened, but not the others.

Don't consider this a problem that requires a fix; just a minor nuisance. That said, if someone knows a fix I'd be grateful to hear it. Otherwise, will continue along content enough that things still work.

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