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All my shows to date have used background sound files. For various reasons I am trying it slightly differently on a new show.

This time I am putting the narration on the sound file line under the slide list. At this point I have a silent sound file for the background so I can initially synch the show with having sorted out the music yet. (Further synching will of course be done when music is added)

Unless I am doing something wrong, when viewing the draft show via the TIMELINE, I am not hearing the narration. But if I use the "full" PREVIEW mode, then I do hear the narration.

If I have not missed a hidden "switch" is this something that could be put on the list of possible changes Igor ?

It will be easier than going back to my regular method of mixing the narration and the music in the background.

(Of course if we had the sound editor within PTE we would be all set ;) - I suspect that might raise the cost somewhat - Adobe Première has it, that software is only $1000 :rolleyes: )

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That's a good point. My first reaction was to say that it's because you are not synching to the custom sounds added on the sound line.

But on second thought I realized that it would be very useful to be able to hear how long these customized selections are to enable setting the proper "distance" between slides.

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