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Hi all,

I'm creating an extremely simple slideshow via PicturesToExe 7.0, running on Win7/64.

The slideshow portion is easy and complete, and I'm generating an MP4 file that works great.

My question: Is there a way to create a video that will loop and play continuously? I'm just not finding that option (I'm sure it's somewhere obvious).

I'm up against a deadline (later tonight), hoping for a fast reply...

Many thanks!


I THINK that option is available in video builder


It is when publishing a DVD-Video disc (see Project Options within Video-Builder) but not, as far as I can see, when publishing a HD Video for PC and Mac.



Guest Yachtsman1

Hi all,

I'm creating an extremely simple slideshow via PicturesToExe 7.0, running on Win7/64.

The slideshow portion is easy and complete, and I'm generating an MP4 file that works great.

My question: Is there a way to create a video that will loop and play continuously? I'm just not finding that option (I'm sure it's somewhere obvious).

I'm up against a deadline (later tonight), hoping for a fast reply...

Many thanks!


Hi Jerry

As Ken said If you create a DVD of your show, you can tick the repeat box on the Video Builder options page. See attached screen shot.




I can confirm that a current model SONY TV can Repeat Play an MPEG4 file via its USB input.

I can confirm that a current model SONY BluRay DVD can Repeat Play an MPEG4 file via its USB input.

I can confirm that a Sony BR DVD Player can Repeat Play an MPEG4 file via its USB input when connected to an Epson 1920x1080 Projector via HDMI.



Hi folks,

Thanks for weighing in. My deadline for solving this was the other night, so I suggested the client enable the looping option on whatever video player they were using. That seemed sufficient for what they were looking for.

A side question that has come up. I need to convert the MP4 file into something that's compatible with the client's website, YouTube, PowerPoint, FB, etc.

1. Is there such a format? (I'm a photographer, and don't speak much video).

2. If so, I again haven't been able to find the option in P2E. Under the Publish menu, there's "Publish on YouTube", but I actually want the resulting file to be created locally (on my own computer), that can then be incorporated into various media as I mentioned, shared by email if possible, and so on.

Thanks again for your help!


Guest Yachtsman1

Hi folks,

Thanks for weighing in. My deadline for solving this was the other night, so I suggested the client enable the looping option on whatever video player they were using. That seemed sufficient for what they were looking for.

A side question that has come up. I need to convert the MP4 file into something that's compatible with the client's website, YouTube, PowerPoint, FB, etc.

1. Is there such a format? (I'm a photographer, and don't speak much video).

2. If so, I again haven't been able to find the option in P2E. Under the Publish menu, there's "Publish on YouTube", but I actually want the resulting file to be created locally (on my own computer), that can then be incorporated into various media as I mentioned, shared by email if possible, and so on.

Thanks again for your help!


MP4 is a common format & can be uploaded to Youtube.



MP4 is a common format & can be uploaded to Youtube.


Thanks Yachtsman1...

The file I have is about 35 mb or so, for a 1 minute, 15 second play time. If I want this embedded in the client's website, that seems like a mighty big file - I was under the impression I need to create a smaller sized version for website, FB, etc. Am I wrong?



Guest Yachtsman1

Depends how much capacity your clients web site has. As an alternative you could upload your MP4 to Mediafire or Dropbox & post a link on the web site. 35MB is very small for a Youtube upload. I think Flickr will take a file that size.



I guess what I'm really asking is how to create the file that my client can use in multiple applications, not just YouTube.

If I understand correctly, when I upload a MP4 file to YouTube, YouTube does some kind of conversion on it, whatever that is. How can I do that myself.

In the publish menu, there's an option to "publish to YouTube". I want to "publish to my local hard disk", so that I have a file I can then upload to any number of locations, embed in a website, etc.


Guest Yachtsman1

Hi Jerry

I'm afraid you need to explain in a little more detail what you are trying to acheive. From my understanding you have an MP4 video, what is the source? The conversion that Youtube does reduces your file size so that it takes up the minimum space on their server. This invariably reduces the quality, particularly with a PTE show where the transitions do not come over as the original. Maybe if you upload your MP4 to Mediafire & send me the link via a PM if you don't want it in the general domain. It will upload & download to & from Mediafire in its original size & quality, it isn't messed around with. It's just like a fileing cabinet where it's free (up to 50GB) to store your files. PTE will "convert/edit" your clip, however this doesn't guarantee to reduce the size, it converts it to what the software believes is the best format for it's use. Example, my MP4's from my camera, PTE usually reduces their size when I allow it to convert/edit them. However, I have been downloading footage from Youtube for use in my Russian Cruise series of shows & when I put them through the PTE conversion/edit system their size shoots up as much as 300% , in this case I use the Youtube original.


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