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Creating an MP4 of a manual PTE show.

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Guest Yachtsman1

I've just created an MP4 video of my manual demo Matchstalk Man My Way, half thinking it might work the same as the exe, it doesn't, the show advances at the rate of the original slide times not manually using the arrow keys. Anyone know if this is possible. It was my intention to put it on Youtube, but it's a big upload of 200MB. :huh:/> :blink:/>



Hi Eric,

No, video shows are "canned" and you can't use normal manual controls on them. You can stop them, reverse them, etc., with the navigation bar, but because you are not issuing commands to an operating system, it can't work like an executable file - at least not in MP4 format. It is "possible" to build interactive web shows with the right software, but normal exe shows meant to respond to mouse clicks and such which work very well in exe format will not work that way in a video. See link below:


Best regards,


Guest Yachtsman1

Hi Lin

Burning the midnight oil waiting for the show to upload to Youtube, I realised I couldn't run the demo as an exe, however, if I had extended the slide times to match the VO's it would have made more sense & as you say use the Mediaplayer controls. I will post it but may try that at a later date, probably used up my BT download allocation by now. :(/>

Good Night





There is one product which will give you:- Image + Music + Commentary and Control of a Slideshow and superb quality

and could be adjusted to Mp4-Size Format......its Microsoft "Powerpoint-Presentation" and I think it can be uploaded

to You-Tube etc....it also runs on virtually every PC made....its worth a try !!

Brian (Conflow).

Guest Yachtsman1

Thanks Brian

You took me back 20 years when you suggested Powerpoint, that's how long ago I last used it. I know it's come on since then but I don't have either time or inclination to go back to it. It was a late night thought, that when I seriously thought about it, realised PTE couldn't do it. It isn't something I would be doing regularly so as Theo Pathetis (Dragon)says, I'm out. Thanks for the idea.

Regards Eric


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