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Please can someone suggest what I can do in O&A in PTE 7.5 to correct a problem with the centrefold line of DOM's Photo Album fullscreen template which was obviously created prior to 7.5.

It works in PTE 7 without a problem.

I have put up the template on Dropbox - if you open it in 7.5 you will hopefully see what I mean. Please go to: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/zvrr2qk0xw13ff2/jHlZMzp7Lz




Hi Joy,

I'm sure you will hear from Dom in due time, but in the meantime, you should probably remove that template download as I believe it was not one of Dom's free templates but one that he sells. Having said that, I did not download it because I had purchased it a while back. I took a look at my version and see the same annoying off-center line. I experimented a bit and here's the fix I came up with.

Open the first photo in O&A. (1) Click on the object called "Next Page left". (2) Click on the very first keyframe for that object, which should allow you to edit its properties. (3)On the "Animation" tab, change the left number for the "Pan" to 0. On my copy it was 27 for some reason. That's it! Unfortunately, you will have to do this for each set of "pages" (or you can do it once and copy that slide and replace the images).


Hope this is helpful.



After reading your post I decided to have a look at the template I also bought from the Dom some time ago. I opened it in pte7.0 and saw the same line appear when playing a preview of the template.

I tried the solution suggested by Mary but while the line disappears in the preview the actual transition from page 1 to page 2 is not quite correct. You can see this more clearly in the O&A window.

Page 1 folds over but at the mid point of the transition between pages page one shows through underneath page 2 as it turns.post-1032-0-65856200-1354138259_thumb.jp




Further to my last post I have been experimenting some more. Opened the album template in pte6.5 and the problem with the line just isn't there.

Checked the pan coordinate for object next page and it is 27 same as it is when opened in v7.0 and v7.5.

What the problem appears to be to me is that when an object is zoomed to its lowest point in left hand i.e. 0.001 it still shows as a line whereas in version 6.5 it is invisible.

I tried this by adding a rectangle on the template in v7.0 and zooming down (left box only) to 0.001 and it appeared as a line. Doing same in v6.5 and can't see it.

I am therefore not sure if this is an issue with V7 and v7.5 rather than the Dom's template.




Thanks for all your suggestions and comments - I have just had an email from the DOM who says that there shouldn't be any problem with using his templates in all versions of PTE and so he suggests it may be a bug specific to vers 7.5?

Maybe Igor could check it out sometime?

Thanks again




We think that this problem is solved in future version 7.5.1. Beta version will be published today later.

Brilliant! I wasnt expecting a solution that quick! Thanks Igor I look forward to the update. ,

i have now removed my example from dropbox as mhwarner suggested.



Try v7.5.1 beta:

If it doesn't help, please let me know.

Hi Igor

Yes works OK now. Sorry I did not get back to quicker but my Internet has been down.

Thank you for the quick fix.

This is what makes P2E the best slideshow product around.


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