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Show's Length Indicator-turns blue/underlined? [SOLVED]


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In 7.5.1, when the mouse is placed over the show's length indicator, it turns blue and gets underlined. It looks like it is an active link but it does nothing.

Is there some reason or purpose for this? See attached.

Thanks... Gary


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I do not see the blue color, but I see the line. I have no idea why this happens. Maybe the cursor should jump to the end, but it doesn't do so sad.gif




Strange you don't see the blue color.

Here is a screenshot with the blue color and the underline.

It looks like a hyperlink but does nothing that I can see.



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Xaver is correct in that pressing the highlighed end value should jump the indicator to the end point ... whereas in v7.5 it does not. You see the highlight color blue in Win7 ... whereas Xp is not so fortunate.

You have found a minor bug that got unreported in previous beta testing. :)

*Feature works correct in v7 issues. Though the highlight display is somewhat different.

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