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This problem happened to me twice during the v7.5 beta programme but I could not be sure it wasn't a user error. It happened to me again yesterday evening using v7.5.3 and this time I'm certain I did nothing wrong. I have not yet got a series of events that will guarantee to reproduce the problem but the general set of events has been the same each time it has happened to me.

I have opened an existing sequence into PTE and done an immediate File Save As and given the file a new name (usually by adding a version number). I have then gone on to edit the project and, eventually, have quit PTE using the "red/white x" button at top right. I have intended to tell PTE to save the project and have spotted that the name is not as I was expecting.

In the most recent case, I had opened "SkeltonChapel v9.pte" and done File Save As to "Test-Intro.pte". I was intending to try out a new idea for the start of the sequence but wanted to preserve the current state of the project in case I didn't like the new idea. The file name, as displayed on the Title bar of the PTE window, changed to "Test-Intro" as expected.

I then proceeded to make the changes to the first few slides. These included changing the order of the first four slides, changing slide and transition durations, changing a transition type, adding a mask Container to one of the images (together with the mask and the inner image). I tried some animation on the mask and the inner image but abandoned that animation as I did not like the effect it gave. I did, however, keep a 3D transform on the mask (Circle) in order to deform it so it fitted over the circle in the main image (an architectural shot with significant converging verticals - and thus a distorted circle in the fabric of the building).

Although I wasn't entirely happy with the result, I decided to keep this version of the project file to show to a friend with whom I am collaborating on this show. I exited PTE by using the "red/white X" button, intending to tell PTE to save the project file. The file name displayed in the pop-up window was not "Test-Intro.pte" - it was "SkeltonChapel v9.pte". If I hadn't spotted that I would have destroyed my good version of this project. I did spot it and changed the name to "Test-Intro.pte" so that it did overwrite the desired file.

This problem has the potential to cause a lot of distress to a PTE user if they do not spot that the project name has reverted. They will end up with their original project overwritten by the new version - which may be radically different. I was fortunate in that, if I had not spotted the reversion on the name, I could have quickly re-instated the first four slides from an earlier version of the sequence (from v8 or v7). Another user may not be so lucky.

If it happens again after I've taken fewer steps, I will try and re-create the problem. If there are any tests I can do, I'll be happy to oblige.




Hi Peter,

The following may help ~ When one is 'File-naming' and using Alpha/Numeric characters you may have forgotten the 'File-Naming Rule':-

Numeric-characters always take precedence before Alpha-characters: Example a File named as "Test-Foto.1" will always cause sequence

problems in Windows whereas the same File properly named as 01-Test photo, 02-Test Photo, and 03-Test Photo and so on will always

retain their numeric sequence and will also allows for individual changes without "cross-naming" conflicts....

Its a Windows rule and I doubt if Pte would depart from that regime ~ try it out and see if you can replicate the error experienced ~ if so then

its a genuine Pte problem.

Brian (Conflow).


Peter if it's any help, I've just gone through the sequence of events that you describe using PTE V7.5.3. I have been unable to replicate the error you encountered. I opened an existing PTE project did an immediate save as to v2, and the project name displayed top left changed to slideshowv2. I then deleted 2 slides and clicked the close button top right. The popup box came up asking to save changes and the project name displayed slideshowv2.exe.




I did the same as geoff and tried it with three different old shows and it saved fine with the new file name, but that is the nature of an intermittant fault. It may only happen after a set sequence of events that are hard to put your finger on. I will pay more attention in future and shout if it happens to me

Guest Yachtsman1

This sounds like a similar problem mentioned by Gary in the last couple of days. :unsure:/>/>





I never left PTE so I do not see the relevance of your explanation. I did the File Save As within PTE. That worked and the project name in the PTE Title bar changed accordingly. After performing the edits, when quitting PTE, the prompt to save the file used the old file name. I then overkeyed that old file name with one that I had given this project at the start of this session. I do not think PTE should have been using the old filename at that point.


I didn't say it would be easy to re-create - only that this has happened three times since the start of the v7.5 beta programme. In each case I had been doing the same sort of thing but not the same precise thing. The common features of all three instances are that the PTE session started with a File Save As and ended by quitting using the X button.


I hate intermittent faults, too! Even some re-createable faults in v7.5 have gone AWOL on me before Igor has supplied his fix.


Gary's problem reads as though it is associated with Autosave feature. I operate with Autosave turned off for the very reason that it simply overwrites the existing project file. I want to decide if/when I will overwrite the current project file - not have the computer take unilateral decisions. The computer does what I want - not the reverse!




I have observed similar effects (as described by Peter) with earlier versions, as well.

My recent test with v7.5.3:

  • I open PTE for a new project, enter two images, save it as Test1, and close it.
  • I open Test1, and save it as Test2
  • Without closing Test2, I insert another image, followed by pressing the undo button.
  • Again, I go to "Save file as ...", and PTE suggests to save it under the name of Test1.
  • I cancel saving, and try to close my present project (which is Test2), but PTE asks me if I would like to save changes to Test1.
  • I cancel closing the project and insert another image.
  • I try to close the project (still Test2) again, but PTE still asks me if I would like to save changes to project Test1.

There seems to be something wrong!




Xaver I followed your steps and got exactly the same results as you, so as you say something is wrong somewhere.



I have observed similar effects (as described by Peter) with earlier versions, as well.

My recent test with v7.5.3:

  • I open PTE for a new project, enter two images, save it as Test1, and close it.
  • I open Test1, and save it as Test2
  • Without closing Test2, I insert another image, followed by pressing the undo button.
  • Again, I go to "Save file as ...", and PTE suggests to save it under the name of Test1.
  • I cancel saving, and try to close my present project (which is Test2), but PTE asks me if I would like to save changes to Test1.
  • I cancel closing the project and insert another image.
  • I try to close the project (still Test2) again, but PTE still asks me if I would like to save changes to project Test1.

There seems to be something wrong!




This is a special request ~ could you repeat the above routine again but this time do not name the Files as "Test1" or "Test2" etc....

Would you rename them as 01-Test and 02-Test ~ but follow the same sequence routine as above and see what happens.

I might be wrong but I think this is a logic-problem,viz:-

You wrote..."Without closing Test2, ~ I insert another image ~ followed by pressing the Undo button ~ Then I go to "Save file as XXX

and PTE suggests to save it under the name of Test1.

To me this is very logical because Test2 was left in the "Open" state and in that state it was "Undone" but did you 'Undo' the added

Image before saving the File ~ if not ~ how is the Program to know what is what ??

Just a thought....

Brian (Conflow).


Brian I did as you asked and got exactly the same results as Xaver got using his project naming, so there would definitely seem to be a problem in PTE. Whether or not this is related to Peter's problem I wouldn't like to say but chances are there is a link somewhere.



Brian I did as you asked and got exactly the same results as Xaver got using his project naming, so there would definitely seem to be a problem in PTE. Whether or not this is related to Peter's problem I wouldn't like to say but chances are there is a link somewhere.


Thanks Geoff,

Yes there is definitely a 'logic' problem' within the program ~ I think its an unfortunate choice of words to describe ~ Undo - Save As - and Save commands.

You can replicate the problem in any 'Image-Editor', simply select an Image ~ then modify it ~ now you are given 3 choices, Undo, Save, and Save-As.

Even if you 'Undo' the changes within the Image you have the choices of Save or Save-As ~ if you choose 'Save-As' it offers to save the File under its original

name and to get around this you must choose a different name. However if you choose 'Save' it simply modifies the original File and then closes it.

Brian (Conflow)


I can now re-create this problem consistently with a small test project thanks to the info in Xaver's post.

I open an existing test project (called ABC.pte) - it happens to contain three images. I do File Save As XYZ. The project name on the PTE Title bar changes to XYZ. I insert a fourth image. I start to quit PTE by using the "X" button. I am warned that project XYZ has changed and given the chance to save it. I "Cancel" out of this situation back into the main PTE window. I do "Ctrl+Z" to undo the last action (i.e. remove the previously added fourth image). The image is removed. Again I start to quit PTE by using the "X" button. This time I am warned that project ABC has changed and given the chance to save it. At this point, the PTE Title bar still shows the correct project name of XYZ. I "Don't Save" and the PTE window closes.

It seems to me that the Undo has undone not just the added fourth image but also the new project name of the File Save As.





Your example really does not differ very much from mine in Post #7 (if at all). The situation is really odd. Keeping my notation from Post #7, you are working with a newly saved project Test2, and when closing it (in particular situations related to the Undo operation), you will be asked if you want to save the original (first) project Test1. In case you cancel saving, add another image, and start another closing operation, you will be asked again for saving the first project (Test1) while still working with second one (Test2). But what happens in case when you do the save operation? In my test, the open second project was closed, and the changes were saved to the second project, as well (although the old project was indicated).

When doing that kind of close operations, the mini player sometimes freezes.




I just made a similar test with version 7.0.7. This version shows the same odd behavior as 7.5.3.

As I said in my Post #7: I have observed similar effects with earlier versions, as well.




Hi Peter,

As a moderator, will you bring this problem to the attention of Igor please, he might not have seen your post.

Ron West

  • 2 weeks later...

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