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Error When Playing PTE Presentations with Imbeddedm,m,m,m,76yu Video.

I have been creating PTEs for over 10 years and in the last couple of years began inserting a video into these less than 100 slide presentations.

They run great on my desktop (where it is built) and my wife's Mac Book Pro.

I then move it to a laptop and I then have problems.

But when I place the presentation on a thumb drive, CD, or on the hard drive of the laptop I get this message:

There is no disk in the drive.

Please insert a disk into drive


With the options: Cancel Try Again Continue

If I press continue, the presentation plays through.

I have tried with new AVI video and also a PTE Converted video.

If I run the same presentation without the Video - it runs perfectly.

My laptop is a Sony Vayo (but have tried it also on older laptops with same results).

Windows 7 Home Premium x64

2.10 Gig Intel Dual Core Processor

4 MB Memory

NVIDIA GeForce G210M (Display Adapter)

Any ideas what is happening here?


The "no disk in the drive" error with DR1 generally means that you have a removable drive device with the designation C: If this is the case, use Disk Management to rename the removable device to another drive designation.

It's not a PTE error, it's actually an OS error, but not all that uncommon.

If this isn't the case, we can look for another possible explanation...

Best regards,


  On 1/16/2013 at 5:49 PM, vicbrasil said:

Error When Playing PTE Presentations with Imbeddedm,m,m,m,76yu Video.

I have been creating PTEs for over 10 years and in the last couple of years began inserting a video into these less than 100 slide presentations.

They run great on my desktop (where it is built) and my wife's Mac Book Pro.

I then move it to a laptop and I then have problems.

But when I place the presentation on a thumb drive, CD, or on the hard drive of the laptop I get this message:

There is no disk in the drive.

Please insert a disk into drive


With the options: Cancel Try Again Continue

If I press continue, the presentation plays through.

I have tried with new AVI video and also a PTE Converted video.

If I run the same presentation without the Video - it runs perfectly.

My laptop is a Sony Vayo (but have tried it also on older laptops with same results).

Windows 7 Home Premium x64

2.10 Gig Intel Dual Core Processor

4 MB Memory

NVIDIA GeForce G210M (Display Adapter)

Any ideas what is happening here?


The "no disk in the drive" error with DR1 generally means that you have a removable drive device with the designation C: If this is the case, use Disk Management to rename the removable device to another drive designation.

It's not a PTE error, it's actually an OS error, but not all that uncommon.

If this isn't the case, we can look for another possible explanation...

Best regards,



Hi Lin,

You always come to my rescue!

As this error occurs whether I have a thumb drive, CD in the tray and I am playing the PTE from the CD, or as a file in my hard drive, how do I take care of all this issue occurring no matter what way I am executing the exe file?

So when you say "use Disk Management to rename the removable device to another drive designation." what do I specifically need to do?



It might be worth checking what you set as the Properties of each video clip (use the Properties tab in the O&A window and see what you have for "Do not include file for EXE"). If any of the video clips have this box checked (i.e. ticked) then PTE has not included that video clip in the EXE file. When you published the Mac version, PTE had to include the video clip because it wasn't going to be present on the Mac system. But for the Windows EXE files it will have been omitted. That would account for the show working on the system where it was built and on the Mac but not on any other Windows system.



  On 1/17/2013 at 7:25 AM, fh1805 said:

It might be worth checking what you set as the Properties of each video clip (use the Properties tab in the O&A window and see what you have for "Do not include file for EXE"). If any of the video clips have this box checked (i.e. ticked) then PTE has not included that video clip in the EXE file. When you published the Mac version, PTE had to include the video clip because it wasn't going to be present on the Mac system. But for the Windows EXE files it will have been omitted. That would account for the show working on the system where it was built and on the Mac but not on any other Windows system.



Thanks for the reply.

It is not checked, I went as you suggested and there was no check mark on the "Do not include..." I also was aware that the video played when I clicked on CONTINUE of the three choices I listed on the error message.


  On 1/17/2013 at 9:02 AM, deskjet1uk said:

Lin is correct this happened to me and its a common problem, go to http://answers.micro...b5-796c3ccea3b0

this article gives clear instructions and I hope you manage ok and that it fixes the problem for you.



I checked the link and then went to my laptop computer.

In Disk Management I saw that my Hard Drive - System - was C

My CD Drive was G

My Thumb Drive was H

My two card readers were F and E.

So technically, there is no conflict over drives.

My laptop has the same configuration as my desktop - it runs perfectly.

HERE IS THE PROBLEM with the laptop:

Even when I have the PTE EXE file in the laptop hard drive, I get the error message - BUT ONLY WHEN I HAVE A VIDEO in the PTE EXE.

When the PTE EXE is only pictures and music, it runs perfectly.

So the bug is when I have one or more videos in the PTE presentation and I try to run it on the laptop - works perfectly on the Desktop.


Guest Yachtsman1

Just a long shot, are you running the same version of PTE on both machines.?


  On 1/17/2013 at 10:36 PM, yachtsman1 said:

Just a long shot, are you running the same version of PTE on both machines.?


Yes, same version.

I am in a total quandary why this does not work.

I am now thinking of taking a thumb drive to a neighbor and see if it will run.

Not a clue why PTEs with videos do not run correctly.

When I press CONTINUE on the error message, it works fine.

But this is so silly!

  On 1/17/2013 at 11:00 PM, nobeefstu said:

How are you launching the exe file ?

As a test ... open the thumbdrive, CD, etc, using Windows Explorer in folder view. Run the slideshow EXE.

On all of these (Thumb drive, CD, on the Hard Drive, etc) I usually open Explorer, and double click on the file.

But I tried what you said, open Explorer, highlighted the file on the Hard Drive and then pressed Open.

Same thing.

I then highlighted and went to file, Run as administrator, same thing.


I highlighted the file.

I then went to Explorer menu and put the cursor on File

On the drop down, I pressed Troubleshoot compatibility

I pressed Try recommended settings

The next window comes up with:

Test compatibility settings for the program

Settings applied:

Windows compatibility mode: Windows XP (Service Pack 2)

Then pressed the blue button Start the program...

AND IT WORKED! No error message.

Now, why it worked in simulating Windows XP SP2? no clue.

Anyone out there can help with this aspect?



Now, why it worked in simulating Windows XP SP2? no clue.

Anyone out there can help with this aspect?

Its hard to say how and why these things happen on our computers.

As another test ... create a shortcut of the problem EXE file from the external drive to your desktop. Double-click the shortcut to launch the EXE.

* Doses it start properly without issues ?

* Read the shortcut's Properties |Compatability tab. Is Compatability Mode enabled and if so for what OS ?

  On 1/19/2013 at 11:27 AM, nobeefstu said:


Its hard to say how and why these things happen on our computers.

As another test ... create a shortcut of the problem EXE file from the external drive to your desktop. Double-click the shortcut to launch the EXE.

* Doses it start properly without issues ?

* Read the shortcut's Properties |Compatability tab. Is Compatibility Mode enabled and if so for what OS ?

Well, Well!

I think I finally figured it out.

With your suggestions, I tried the shortcut, no check on the compatibility mode, then the check on the compatibility mode for XP 3, then XP2 and none worked.

But it got me thinking - I am building my PTEs on an external HD!

I moved all my build files of my TEST PTE and created the PTE and EXE files on Drive C and then ran it - perfect!

I then copied the EXE file to my thumb drive, moved it to the laptop and PERFECT!

So the issue is that I am building my PTEs on Drive G - my external hard drive.

From what people have said before, I then changed my thumb drive to G on my laptop - and yes, it now works.

As I have multiple presentations that are from 50MB to 350MB that I have constructed on my desktop G Drive and are now on my laptop C Drive, how do I run them without changing my laptop C Drive to G Drive?

Maybe the only solution is what I did earlier, change the properties of the PTE EXE presentation to emulate XP 2.

Maybe this is for Igor.

Is there a parameter in the PTE EXE files that leads to this problem?

I have other EXE files on my external HDs and they run fine in my C drive of my laptop(s).

But maybe they were not built on a G Drive but I would think that EXEs are not all constructed on C Drives but on mainframes and multiple drives.


Guest Yachtsman1

When I had my PC built, I specified that the hard drive was partitioned 50%-50% C & D. I store all my raw images on two 1TB external drives. All my PTE shows are constructed on the D partition then copied to my latest external drive. The PC is in its 3rd year and looks as if it may have around 6 months to go before I need to do something. I also post all my exe's on Mediafire or Dropbox (6GB to date)as a final resort.




Hi vicbrasil,

I build all my PTE sequences on my external J: drive (USB device). I then copy the EXE files to a USB memory stick (thumb drive) which is known as external drive M:. I then take that to my laptop and plug it in (where it comes up as drive F:) and run the EXE off that with no problems whatsoever.

Using an external drive is not, of itself, the cause of your problems. There is something else going on in your system and your procedures that is to blame - but I don't know what.



  On 1/19/2013 at 5:53 PM, yachtsman1 said:

When I had my PC built, I specified that the hard drive was partitioned 50%-50% C & D. I store all my raw images on two 1TB external drives. All my PTE shows are constructed on the D partition then copied to my latest external drive. The PC is in its 3rd year and looks as if it may have around 6 months to go before I need to do something. I also post all my exe's on Mediafire or Dropbox (6GB to date)as a final resort.


Yes, when I was running XP I had a desktop C Drive running XP and then had 4 external for all the music, video and pictures plus one for PTE and other small one for general material.

All this due to crashes - wonders of Microsoft.

Then I had a 3 TB to back all these up.

Now I have Windows 7 running on the C Drive and nothing is saved to the C Drive except the operating system.

I also clone the C Drive as I have had "experiences" with Microsoft.

I then have 1TB F Drive divided into 7 Major File Folders - see attachment

Then for our travels G Drive - 1.5TB for our trips - pictures, videos, GPS, Journals, etc. - see attachment

That is why I build our travel PTEs from the G Drive.


  On 1/19/2013 at 6:37 PM, fh1805 said:

Hi vicbrasil,

I build all my PTE sequences on my external J: drive (USB device). I then copy the EXE files to a USB memory stick (thumb drive) which is known as external drive M:. I then take that to my laptop and plug it in (where it comes up as drive F:) and run the EXE off that with no problems whatsoever.

Using an external drive is not, of itself, the cause of your problems. There is something else going on in your system and your procedures that is to blame - but I don't know what.



Mine have no problems with just pictures/slides and music.

They run perfectly

It is when I include videos that I get the error message.

And only on Windows 7.

Are yours including videos and Windows 7?

When I export for Mac OS, no problems.

Guest Yachtsman1

I use W7 Professional 64bit & for the last 12 months have used video in most of my productions. My videos are MP4 from the camera.


  On 1/19/2013 at 8:53 PM, yachtsman1 said:

I use W7 Professional 64bit & for the last 12 months have used video in most of my productions. My videos are MP4 from the camera.


Thanks for getting back to me.


I will try the MP4 format and see what happens.

I just took a 300MB file with 4 videos from C Drive construction and played fine on the laptop.

NO clue!

At least I have a work around.

Move the files to C Drive and there build the PTE.

Then I am fine.

  On 1/19/2013 at 9:31 PM, fh1805 said:

Yes they are!



Like I said earlier - no clue as to why it is MY PROBLEM.

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