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I am currently producing a lecture in Keynote on a Mac. I am used to embedding MP4 sequences etc which can be shown in sequence in the course of a lecture. I have never used PTE in my life, and some of the files I have been sent have been exported from this program. Although they will run as self-contained files on my Mac, I am unable to embed them in my keynote sequence.

As I understand it, you can export MP 4 files directly from one of these programs sequences. What I need is a simple instruction to send to the authors as to how to do this, and export me a file 640 pixels wide, with sound and synchronisation.

I hope the explanation is as simple as the question seems to me (I know that's rarely the case)

Thank you anyone for any help and guidance you can give.


Go to "PUBLISH SHOW > HD Video"

In this screen:


Set the size etc required.

640 wide is very restricting - are you still using a 1024x768 projector (or even smaller)??

The "Author" will need to have "PTE Deluxe" Installed.


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