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In fairness to Bart, (and I may be speaking out of turn here), I believe that he was so deeply engrossed in programming the gallery for us that he missed a few threads on here where we decided to limit to one category only and agree a size. As a consequence, I know that he has kindly set up about 5 or 6 categories for us.......I see no harm in anyone putting up images into the other categories as this is a photo gallery, and I think that this should be both applauded and encouraged.......as long as we agree to use only the 'architecture' images for the 'challenge'.....and besides guys, this is a learning and a fun experience! As I said earlier, I can see at least 36 images from the 12 that are already submitted - think about it!  

Maybe if all the information about the competition taking place on Bart's site were actually placed on Bart's Forum he and others there would know what was happening! Still think it's weird to keep jumping between the two Forums to find what to do ! ;)

Think Bart's doing a brilliant job - well done and thanks. :D

Not to mention thanks to Igor here! :D:D:D

Best Wishes


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The reason Maureen is that it started on this site and is part and partial of what we are trying to achieve, viz the third image. Apart from Bart's site there has also been a small tutorial on the Beechbrook site. Once our sequences for the "challenge" have been completed they will go elsewhere, possibly to The Image Suite for assessment. It is best therefore that we keep the thread going here, where we all 'meet'.

Ron [uK]



I will admit..I "jumped" too quickly and hope all will

accept my apology.

I should have read this topic more carefully and

did exactly what everyone wanted to do!

I have gone and deleted my images and will

save them for another time!

I welcome everyone to my site...bBut please, do not let this keep

you from posting and visiting my site..ok? :)

Thanks again and always




Hi Bart

No apologies necessary........it is us that should be thanking you for all the great work you have put into your site to accommodate the challenge, so on behalf of everyone .....Thanks Bart.......and yes, we sure will use your site and be posting more work and more topics.

Only Maureen's images to be included now - I think!! :)

The Image Suite


The deadline of 1st March has passed and we still have only 12 architectural images from which to produce our masterpieces for the Challenge.

"They gave him a job that couldn't be done and he said that he could do it.

He tackled the job that couldn't be done and found he couldn't do it."

"If what shone afar so grand turn to nothing in the hand

On again the virtue lies in the struggle and not the prize"

Ron [uK]


As we say over hear Ron

"Nevermind the quality, feel the width."



That is a saying I apply to my work Alan.

Ron [uK]


Hi All

Sorry guys, but I have been out of the Third Image loop for a while - a couple of business trips and pressure of work deadlines, (that said I have viewed what is going on, but little time for pleasurable development!) and it's still continuing for a couple of weeks yet, so I hope there isn't a firm deadline or that you don't want the challenge show in a hurry. I have now downloaded the images and have started working on the show but will have to fit it in around business trips..........(I am sure you understand).

The Image Suite :)

B) I confess that I didn't contribute to the images - not my style of photography - but am really looking forward to seeing what you do with them.

Bart's site is working fine.

click here to access

A Superb site - well done Bart ! :D:D:D

Are all the new "third image" sequences going to be on the Cottage site or Bart's ?




I think the question raised by The Image Suite was not whether Bart's site was operating but what was happening to the Challenge.

At the moment there will be no "third image" sequences from this Challenge. Only four members of the forum have added their three image architecture contribution to Bart's site. A total of twelve images is barely sufficient for what was intended. There was a closing date of 1 March which was extended but without any further contributions. The last suggestion was that the finished sequence would be sent to The Image Suite but nothing firm was decided. Some of us have found that because of server problems we cannot upload to Beechbrook. I had intended sending my effort on CD.

Ron [uK]


Yeah Ron well sayd! You are right, a lot of should and would guys.

I must also congratulate Bart for the time and effort put into this to no much avail. I feel sorry for him and all you folks giving this a push.

The question in my mind:

After upgrading the transitions in 4.2 is there a need for a third image at all?

Or am I missing some thing?


Think there is a real need for AV workers to have the ability to "see" the third image - which would otherwise not exist in "real life". :D

This is something which separates AV into it's own special category.

Moving one image after another can become the realm of video / cine but individual images creating the new Third Image is AV. This can be done slowly or very fast - depends on the sequence.

Personally I feel using digital AV means we are released from simply dropping one image after another (although this can produce spectacular dissolves!) but can if we wish work on creating our third image.

I have found using photo editing software to do so, has, for me, produced my best "third images" in digital AVs. There are a vast number of techniques for this and the editing software need not be Photoshop (although I love using Ph CS) :D

I know Peter & Ian made superb sequences a couple of years back with the challenge to use 5 (or was it less?) slides. (OK guys I never got around to it - one day maybe?) So you should have lots of freedom with twelve images.

Main thing is have fun and enjoy your creativity !



Well spoken Maureen. I too thought of the Peter/Ian sequence which I still have on file, but I cannot see myself emulating their achievement with the twelve images on file. However, if we are agreed that the submission of the Architectural images is now closed, perhaps we can now get on with the Challenge.

Glad to see that you are now back to your chirpy self. There is another Rugby International coming up and St George's Day is on 23 April. Glad I am of mixed blood - English, Welsh and Irish - and auburn haired :rolleyes: well grey now.

Ron [uK]


I have looked at the pictures but have no clue how they should be used.

Nobody is posting on the forums there.

Would like some one put a sequence up. One transition is all there is needed to see how the pictures are suposed to be used.

Up to now I see only different pictures and can not figue out what to do with them.

Clue me in! It's going to snow in New York and I will have some time to fiddle.


To set the ball rolling I have produced a sequence from the twelve images in the Challenge, but with no decision from the instigators of the Challenge as to its eventual resting place I have managed to upload it on to Bill's Beechbrook.com site under the title Third Image Challenge RW. I have suffixed the title with RW as a means of separate identification.

After correcting some of the images to 4:3 format, converging verticals, etc. I created some sort of order and a touch of third image. Can't say it is very successful but each of our four sets of images did not gel too well. The music is "Ocean Blue" by Medwyn Goodall - copyright free - CD obtained from Barry Beckham

Ron [uK]


Ron great piece of work no excuses needed

i think i seen 4 instances of the 3rd -- the picts look a heck of lot better than they did on Barts site and you put them together perfectly

and congrats' on getting uploaded -- any secret or just stubborness:)

also like to congratulate all the owners of the originals -- you got the "eye"

ken B)


Good work Ron. :) I'm glad you have gone ahead and put a show together. I won't trouble you or anyone else with my excuses for not having made one. ( I was doing good just to contribute a set of images.) But if this "challenge" strings out long enough, I may put something together.

I think you have done a good job of sequencing the slides. And I like your slow pulse near the end. About "third image" - I defer to others and hope to learn.

Maybe we should mention, to quicflicks and everyone, this "challenge" is open to everyone - not just the few who submitted photos. (Hope I'm right on that.) I think anyone who reads this entire thread will understand the game and the goal.


To refresh everyone this is how this sequence idea started on pages 2 & 3 of this thread with the following extracts:

Great to see this topic running on and on. With regard to Contaxman's suggestion I would say if a group either locally or on line could be given a group of slides with out script or music, and each was asked to compile a show from them you would find some very interesting results. We have often used this in Ireland in IPF workshops and it opens up the whole debate about sequencing and show content. Alan Lyons Feb 11 2004

Sounds like a good idea - will suggest it to our Camera Club cttee. Roger Feb 11 2004

Excellent idea. I think it is of great learning benefit to occasionally be 'willingly forced' down the route of extending one's imagination, and as you say, it would be fascinating to see the mixture of results. The Image Suite Feb 11 2004.

Hi All again,

We seem to have set a few sparks flying! I wonder would any forum member be willing to host a file of small images which others could download, create a show, and post the result? This would allow all to see the results and perhaps start a " is that the best you can do? well watch this" competition. There is a rude name for this type of competition but I will not use it here. Alan Lyons Feb 11 2004

……why don't we use the following forum site for this experiment.....there is already a facility to upload/download the files there....you can join for free and then either host here on p-t-e and/or there on Multi-Media Matrix www.community.barcin.net. The Image Suite Feb 11 2004

More came later as regards Pixel width (640), Format ratio 4:3, and set subject Architecture. There have been a number of 'red herrings' and diversions on the way like a committee without a chairman but I hope at last we have reached the goal.

No decision was ever made as to where our final efforts should be sent so I hope Bill did not mind me sending mine to the Beechbrook site. Thank you Bill. Apart from my two short demos this is the first sequence I have managed to upload, possibly because it was short enough to get by my server.

Ron [uK]


It's 4 o'clock in the morning. Played your show about 20 times but can not crasp the so called 3rd image.

Is one of them a composition of slide Street Furniture and Dome-Liile inserted between the two garden slides?


The main third image feature is the Dome appearing in a slow pulse build up of intensity within the dark area of the Street Furniture culminating in the full picture of the Dome. The use of one of the Street Furniture/Dome compositions within the garden slide was an effort to use one of the other of the twelve images submitted in addition to the Street Furniture & Dome images submitted by myself. As I said earlier our four sets of images did not gel too well, for the purpose we intended. I am glad two others at least have appreciated my efforts.

Ron [uK]


Congratulations and Well done on creating your sequence Ron :D

But .......am I missing something ... is this subject now spread over THREE different web sites? :(

It would be nice if we complimented quietstorm on his excellent site and also used it :D

Quote Ron.........

The original post is in Pictures to Exe Presentations - go there please otherwise we will all lose our way.

Ron [uK]

Why have you opened up this thread again? All the answers are in the original thread in Pictures to Exe Presentations. See above.

Ron [uK]

Yet this thread all needs to be read over THREE different sites.

But Ron doesn't like reading things in two different parts of the same site?

I totally agree Ron that threads should be kept together or confusion occurs

I guess I've lost the plot on this thread though. ;)

Totally lost & confused :wacko:

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