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I'm looking for a trick that let me change the center position of a parent object (through shift+drag center) without affecting children.

It looks like the parent center movement reflects on children positions. In my opinion, children should be compensated while changing parent center.

If i have a complex object structure and want to change the rotation center it's a pain.

Any hints?

Thank you! Umberto


Hi Umberto,

I do not fully understand the exact visual effect you are trying to achieve but I offer this suggestion in the hope that it may help you: place a PTE Frame object between the existing parent and the children. Any compensating animation will then need to be programmed only once - on the Frame - rather than on each of the children(I hope!)




Hi Umberto,

I do not fully understand the exact visual effect you are trying to achieve but I offer this suggestion in the hope that it may help you: place a PTE Frame object between the existing parent and the children. Any compensating animation will then need to be programmed only once - on the Frame - rather than on each of the children(I hope!)



Thank you Dave and PGA,

Yes, but this is a workaround. I'd like the compensation to be applied automatically. I understand that this is not currently possible but it should. Sometimes i need to change the pivot several times on many objects before getting the result i want, and there is the risk to forget to manually apply the compensation even when there is only a single child per parent. This can be frustrating. Maybe a program option that will activate an automatic compensation computing?

Greetings! Umberto

P.S. Most 3D modeling applications apply this compensation under the hood, without any user intervention.

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