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In video builder, project options, video type there are 3 options: (See Attachment)

1. Progressive

2. Interlaced

3. Automatic

When saving a show to DVD to show on television I have been leaving it on auto. Should I be using one of the other choices? If so Which one and more importantly what do these 2 options mean?

Thank You,





"Progressive" mode gives better sharpness, but less smooth animation. Only 25/30 frames per secound.

"Interlaced" mode gives best smoothness - 50/60 frames per second. Modern TV extract same picture details as with Progressive mode for static scenes and reduced in 2 times sharpness for dynamic scenes.

In "Auto" mode PicturesToExe will set internally "Progressive" mode for shows without any animation in O&A editor and with Dissolving/Quick transition effects. For other shows PicturesToExe will choose "Interlaced mode".

If you know that your project has slow animation, I recommend to set manually "Progressive" mode for best total quality.

"Anti-flicker filter" is a delicate smart blur applied along vertical axis of a picture. (Traditional blur is being applied in both directions - by horizontally and vertically). "Anti-flicker filter" is necessary for old CTR TVs and probably for some new flat TVs.


Igor wrote:

"Interlaced" mode gives best smoothness - 50/60 frames per second. Modern TV extract same picture details as with Progressive mode for static scenes and reduced in 2 times sharpness for dynamic scenes.

Then in theory, if I raise the sharpness in PTE's project option for the unsharp mask I should be able to compensate for some of the loss in sharpness. Correct?

Obviously one would have to know which mode they would be using before going to video builder to save the show on DVD.


Thanks for the additional information.


Guest Yachtsman1


There has been a thread on here over the last week where a new user was having trouble burning a DVD using PTE 7.5 & queried this with PTE support, the reply was to the effect that there was a bug causing her problem, which would be addressed in the next issue. If you do go ahead & try to burn a DVD using PTE's current video builder, I'm sure there would be a lot of interest in the result.






That bug was relevant to a user of Windows 8. As far as I know, there are no known DVD Burn bugs outstanding with version 7.5 running on Windows 7, Vista or XP.





I have had virtually no problems with the last 3 shows that I have done using 7.5 nor have there been any problems with video builder and burning DVD's using XP pro sp3.

I have stopped sharing shows for now because the shows I am doing are family related and would be of no interest to anyone here.

Hopefully after the next 2 I will be able to get back to it.

I have shared with one other person on the forum (via PM during the course of a conversation) why I need to do this and it is family related.

The reason I have mentioned the above is that I am still learning and loving PTE just have no shows to share for awhile.

Still would like to know if I raise the sharpness in PTE's project option for the unsharp mask I should be able to compensate for some of the loss in sharpness. Correct?

Obviously one would have to know which mode they would be using before going to video builder to save the show on DVD.


Guest Yachtsman1

Hi Steven

That seems to narrow things down somewhat, the problems Dawn had burning DVD's with PTE Video Builder seem to be related to 7.5 using W8 which she was using, maybe Igor will clarify this & advise when it is expected to be corrected? Sorry can't help re sharpness, using 7.07 I just set the option for animation in PO.

Regards Eric


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