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I very recently bought Pictures to Exe but the is no load key file in the Load key/help/registration box that drops drop down.

Am I missing something.

I have e-mailed wnsoft.com three times to date and up till now have had no reply.

Which I am very disappointed about.

Can anyone help.



If you have just recently emailed over the past weekend ... there is going to be a short delay in their response ... considering now is start of the work week (give or take a few time zones diff) :)

Am I missing something

To enter key file into program, you first need the key file that WnSoft emails you. There is no key file supplied with the program when you order it ... its only sent separately in the email.


copy/paste key file to desktop - when you are asked for the key enter that file.

I have just done this. Hope I have got it right! :)


OK, I have an even more basic question along the same lines. I ordered the program and they sent me an email, but the email includes the phrase "save attached file to any folder". Well, there's no file attached to the email they sent. I thought perhaps I misunderstood, and went into the wnsoft.com link that came with the email, and downloaded the program from there, wondering if the load key/registration box that the previous poster refers to would appear, but I seem to get an unregistered version of the program. When I run that file, I get a box that asks for a registration number, but when I cut and paste the load key into that box, I get an error message. I suspect that the unregistered trial version of the program is not what the previous poster is referring to. By the way, as mentioned, I have found the key in the email I received.

I suspect that either there is a file that was stripped out during emailing; or else I am making some very basic conceptual or procedural error. (And it wouldn't be the first time, either. :) )

No response from wnsoft support as of yet.

Any thoughts? Thanks.

or else I am making some very basic conceptual or procedural error

No error from you, Kestrel. Reg.key must come to you from WnSoft as attachment, or in the body of a message (it's a 231 bits string).

I was forgetting... Welcome aboard!


Thanks for the welcome.

Only after this next even more basic question, maybe I won't be so welcome: B)

There was a string of characters in the email I received; down at the bottom. It started with phrase including the letters REGIT, then had some brackets and cap letters including the letters HKEY, and then a very long (about 175 character) string that started with Key = and then went on and on. If I include all the letters, including the first phrase I reproduced above, it's about 213 or so characters. I assume that's what is being referred to as the "load key". However- my question is- where do I put the key? Are you saying I've been given the key, but not the file that it's supposed to work with? Or am I just not applying the key correctly?

And is there a better way of contacting wnsoft, other than the as-yet unresponsive support email address?



Dear Kestrel,

Wnsoft support always answers to e-mail, but sometimes not so quickly. I think the best support - no, not actually the best, but sure the fastest - is this forum, where there are many members very experienced and willing, who can answer to most common questions.

I think you have the reg.key, even if its use is not so clear.

Copy the whole string (included REGIT), then open Notepad and paste it. Save as pte.reg (NOT .txt !).

Now double click on this file (or right click and chose "Merge"; when asked if you are sure you want to add this information in registry, click on "Yes"), and your copy of PTE will be registered).

And don't worry, you are welcome! ^_^

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