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Actions after a given slide is played

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I know I can put a button on the slide and assign various actions to that button.

But is there a way to assign actions that happen automatically at the completion of playback of the slide without any action from the person viewing the slides.

e.g., I could have 10 slides in my show, but I might want the show to stop at slide 5, or for playback to jump from slide 5 to 9, skipping 6 and 7. (Maybe the content in certain slides should not be distributed to some audiences, but should be distributed to others, and the published EXE. So I would be looking for an easy way to still keep a single pte file with all my slides, but just modify the per slide playback setting before generating my EXE's.

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Hi Scott,

There is no easy way to do such a thing. It's "possible" but requires using two or more PTE executable files. For example, you have the option of running an "external" application at the end of a slide. That "application" could be another PTE executable show which simply begins at the slide where you wish to "jump." Then, if you wanted to get really tricky, you "could" place a "run external application" call in that second PTE executable show to go to yet another pte executable which would do likewise in a "chain" type of sequence.

The real "power" of PTE is that by using the mouse click, you can assign multiple commands to do things like "jump" to another slide, run a slideshow and return, etc., and assign that mouse click to not only a "button" but to an invisible area on your screen - a sort of "hot spot" done by placing a "frame" object (invisible rectangle) anywhere and of any size you deem proper. Then when the mouse cursor is moved to that relative position and clicked, the action will happen. I use this feature, for example, to pop up the names of people in group photos when someone clicks on their faces.

There is no present way to actuate other than the "run external application" without the mouse click.

Best regards,


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