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Relative vs. absolute paths

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I read an old post (applicable up through PTE version 5) that said all the paths to the external files were absolute.

Is there a way to support relative paths in the current version? E.g., if all my images and audio files are in a certain directory, but I relocate that directory to a different path on my drive, then when I open the previously created pte file, it can't find any of the linked images and sounds. I would like to be able to re-point pte to the new parent directory for the images and sounds rather than having to relink every single file.

Alternately, if absolute paths are still mandatory, I believe I should be able to edit the PTE file in a text editor to find/replace the old absolute path with the new absolute path. Is this a viable approach?



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Hi Scott,

You can use the "File" "Create Backup in Zip" feature to quickly and automatically assemble all files necessary for proper PTE function. Then just extract the files from the zipped archive anywhere you wish and everything will then work perfectly from the new location.

Best regards,


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Hi Scott,

If all the items for each sequence are stored under a "master folder" (images, sounds, the .pte project file, etc.) you can then copy that "master folder" anywhere you want and access the project and all its content. I do this frequently to copy an entire project from my desktop PC onto a memory stick and then take that memory stick to my laptop, where it appears as a totally different drive letter.

By "master folder" I mean a structure something along these lines:

F:\AV Sequences\SequenceA\Images

F:\AV Sequences\SequenceA\Sounds

F:\AV Sequences\SequenceA\Project

F:\AV Sequences\SequenceB\Images

F:\AV Sequences\SequenceB\Sounds

F:\AV Sequences\SequenceB\Project

I copy at the SequenceA or SequenceB level.



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