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Is it possible to create a single slide or set of slides that allows a small image to be positioned on a slide and then gradually enlarge as it spirals following a seamless logarithmic path.


You could plot the Logarithmic Path against Time in Excel and lift the X / Y co-ordinates out and apply to Key Frames spaced at regular intervals?

The number of Key Frames would depend on just how much you need to refine the path.

Alternatively, add the image to a frame and rotate the frame through xxx degrees while moving the image away from the centre and zooming it. Apply Minus xxx degrees rotation to the image.


P.S. The frame would need to be SQUARE.


Some time ago, one of our forum members asked about a "similar" phenomenon when he saw a slideshow on YouTube done with PTE by a person from China. It seems one of our French PTE users, Marcel, had discussed a technique for doing something like this (not really a logarithmic path, but a similar effect to what you describe) with this person and had explained how to do it with PTE.

Some discussion ensued and several of us played around with this idea. I made this silly little YouTube show as a joke for a friend, but it demonstrates something like I "think" you are discussing. You can see it here: (turn your sound down low - it's obnoxious)

If this is something you would like to experiment with - here's a link to my tutorials - the one for this is # 36

Tutorials Link

Click on "Tutorials" then scroll down past the red descriptives to the actual llnks below.

Best regards.


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